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Unit3 Understanding each other Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions.1. It is illegal to hurt _ endangered animals.2. Charles Darwin is known _ one of the greateat scientists of all time.3. Did you know that the tiger belongs _ the cat family ?4. Earth is home _millions of different species of plants and animals. It is sad to think that so many of them are dying out.5. The city looks so beautiful _ all the newly-planted flowers and trees.6. The witness gave the police a detailed account _ what she saw.7. His paintings are rich_ colour and are so unique. I have never seen anything like them before.8. She bathed the baby and then wrapped her _a towel.9. The President of France met _ the President of Germany this morning. They talked anout many issues including how to increase co-operation between their countries.10. Ben is a very outgoing person. He takes part _ almost every after-school activity.1
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