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2015届高考英语二轮专题训练精华:单项选择(21)1.Would you drop in at my house this afternoon if ?A.it is convenient for youB.you are convenientC.it is convenient of youD.you will be convenient答案:A解析:句意:如果下午有空的话到我家来做客好吗?if it is convenient for sb. “如果某人方便的话”, 故A项正确。2.The team will arrive in Paris to play a friendly match with a team that French and German selected players.A.consists ofB.is formed ofC.is consisted ofD.is made of答案:A解析:consist of意为 “由组成”, 不用于被动语态, 也不用于进行时态。句意:这支队伍将到巴黎与法德两国组成的联队进行一场友谊赛。form意思是 “形成, 构建, 建立”, 与题意不符。若选D项,应改为is made up of。3.The customers are satisfied with the new 3G cellphones ,so they sell well.A.practiceB.experienceC.experimentD.performance答案:D解析:句意:顾客对新款3G手机的性能很满意,因此手机很畅销。practice “实践,练习”;experience “经验,经历”;experiment “试验,实验”;performance “性能,表演,表现”,故D项符合句意。4.Jobs at present are increasing because economy around the world is getting better and better.A.probableB.availableC.preciousD.convenient答案:B解析:probable “很可能的,大概的”;available “可得到的,可获得的”;precious “珍贵的”;convenient “方便的,便利的”。由题意可知,B项正确。5.The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.A.broke downB.broke outC.broke upD.broke in答案:A解析:句意:当他在网上查找信息时,系统突然出现故障。break down“(机器等)发生故障,(人)感情崩溃”;break out“(战争,灾难等)突然发生”;break up“分开,粉碎,结束”;break in“强行进入,打断(谈话等)”。故答案为A项。6.Here is a list of names of the guests to be invited to the party.Please dont any of them when typing.A.let outB.make outC.leave outD.put out答案:C解析:let out“发出,放出”;make out“分清,辨明”;leave out“遗漏,省去”;put out“扑灭,熄灭”。由句意可知,C项符合题意。7.This kind of material can be used to plastics.A.taking the place ofB.take placeC.taking placeD.take the place of答案:D解析:句意:这种材料可以用来替代塑料。take the place of“替代”;take place“发生”;be used to do sth.“被用来做某事”。8.Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?Yes.,Im going to visit an old friend in the city.A.If everB.If busyC.If anythingD.If possible答案:D解析:if possible“如果可能的话”。答语句意:是的。如果可能的话,我将去城里看看我的一个老朋友。9.The company will for a car to meet those experts at the airport.A.collectB.organizeC.uniteD.arrange答案:D解析:句意:公司将安排车到机场接那些专家。arrange “安排, 筹备”;collect “收集”;organize “组织”;unite “联合, 团结”。10.It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine.,wed better take it to the garage immediately.A.OtherwiseB.If notC.But for thatD.If so答案:D解析:句意:听起来车的发动机好像有问题,如果那样的话,我们最好立刻把它弄到汽修厂去。otherwise “否则,要不然”;if not “如果不”;but for that “若不是因为那件事”;if so “若是这样”,是if it is so的省略。11.The traveller us with his stories, most of which happened in the war and were full of great adventures.A.thrilledB.influencedC.challengedD.encouraged答案:A解析:根据happened in the war and were full of great adventures可知这位旅行者的经历使我们惊骇 (thrilled) 不已。故选A项。12.It was the kings credit that he was against the establishment of a new political party.A.onB.toC.inD.for答案:B解析:to ones credit为固定短语, 意为 “值得赞扬”, 符合句意。13.The transportation has improved a lot in that province, with two new roads last year.A.constructingB.to constructC.constructedD.construct答案:C解析:句意:去年两条新路建成后, 那个省的交通已经改善了许多。construct和two new roads之间是动宾关系, 故选C项。14.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the people watching on benches, chairs or boxes.A.having seatedB.seatingC.seatedD.having been seated答案:C解析:句意:促销通常在室外进行, 人们坐在凳子上、椅子上或箱子上观看。seat是及物动词, 当它用作主动形式时, 后面必须带宾语, 否则应用过去分词表状态。15.(2013浙江名校联盟第一次联考)Tom is a very hard-working student.As far as I know,he often burns the midnight oil.A.You can say that againB.I dont think soC.I am sorry to hear thatD.You cant be serious答案:A解析:句意:汤姆是非常刻苦的学生。你说得非常对。据我所知,他总是熬夜。You can say that again.“你说得对极了”;You cant be serious.“你别太认真”。16.It doesnt make to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.A.senseB.opinionC.useD.difference答案:A解析:make sense“有意义,讲得通”。其他搭配不合适。17.He hasnt slept at all for three days.he is tired out.A.There is no pointB.There is no needC.It is no wonderD.It is no way答案:C解析:考查特殊句式。There is no point in doing sth.“做某事无意义”;There is no need.“没必要做某事”;It is no wonder“难怪”;It is no way.“没门”。句意:他三天没睡觉了,难怪他这么累呢。18.We had just covered a distance of three miles the engine and the car came to a stop.A.then;was brokenB.when;broke downC.until;was failedD.since;burst out答案:B解析:句意:我们刚走了三英里的路发动机就出故障了,然后车就停下来了。when作为并列连词,表示“刚就”;broke down“发生故障,(人身体)毁掉”。故B项正确。19.At the end of the year everyone should think what has been and what is left undone.A.abandonedB.accumulatedC.acknowledgedD.accomplished答案:D解析:考查动词辨析。句意:在年末,每个人都要想想自己完成了什么,还有什么没做。accomplish“完成”;abandon“放弃”;accumulate“积累”;acknowledge“承认,感激”。因此,D项正确。20.,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.A.Shy and cautiousB.Sensitive and thoughtfulC.Honest and confidentD.Light-hearted and optimistic答案:D解析:考查形容词。句意:豁达而乐观使她是那种能用自己的微笑把阳光传递给他人
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