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中考句型翻译练习as soon as1. 一收到他的来信我就会给你打电话。I will call you _ I hear from him.2. Mary 一见到她弟弟就会告诉他这个消息。Mary will tell his brother the news _ she sees him.3. 昨天雨一停孩子们就回家了。The children went home _ yesterday.as.as/ not as.as4. 麦克和安迪学习一样的努力。Mike studies _ Andy.5.“一夜成名”不像我们想得那么容易。An overnight success is _ we think.6. 北京的春天与夏天一样美丽。Spring is _ summer in Beijing.as.as possible7. 在体育测试中,我尽力了。_possible in the PE test.8. 我会在考前最后一个月尽力多读英语。Ill try hard to read English _ in the last month.9. 玛丽会尽快给你回信的。Mary will answer your letter _.ask for/ ask sb. for sth.10. 当你迷路时,你可以向警察寻求帮助。You can _ when you are lost.11. 他每个月都跟妈妈要 50 元。He _ every month.12. 他向父母要一辆自行车作为生日礼物。He _as his birthday gift.ask sb. to do / ask sb. not to do13. 老师要求我们离开教室前要关灯。The teacher _ before we leave the classroom.14. 不要让我帮你的忙!你必须要你自己。Dont _ help you. You must _.15. 妈妈让我们睡觉前不吃东西。My mother _ before we go to bed. tell sb. to do/ tell sb. not to do16. 让我告诉你如何发送电子邮件。Let me _ e-mails.17. 你能告诉我如何提高我的英语吗?Can you _ improve my English?18. 老师经常告诉我们上学别迟到。The teacher often_.be afraid/ be afraid of19. Ann 害怕再次犯相同的错误。Ann _ the same mistake again.20. 别害怕,让我来帮助你。Dont _, let me help you.21. 恐怕你错了。_that you are wrong.be busy doing22. 我正忙着写作业呢,你自己出去吧。I _my homework, you can go out by yourself.23. 你打电话的时候我正忙着打扫卧室呢。When you called, I _my bedroom.24. 那时,我正在忙着做饭。I _ at that time.be late/ be late for25. 快点,否则你上学就迟到了。Hurry up! Or you will _ school.26. 我妈妈昨天上班迟到了。My mother _ yesterday.27. 我上学从来没有迟到过。I _school.be sorry/ be sorry for25. 我对所犯的错误感到抱歉。I _ my mistake.26. 很抱歉我没能参加你的生日晚会。I _for missing your birthday party.27. 对不起我上课迟到了。I _that I am late.be famous for/be famous as28. 苏格兰有许多的湖泊和山脉,以美丽的乡村景色而著名。Scotland, with its lakes and mountains, _ beautiful countryside.29. 北京以其众多的名胜古迹而闻名于世。Beijing _its many places of interest in the world.30. 爱迪生是以发明家的身份出名的。Edison _ an inventor.be happy/glad/pleased31. 听到这个消息我们都很高兴。_ to hear the news.32. 真高兴你买到了新房。I _ that you bought a new house.33. 我很高兴再次见到你。I _see you again.both.and.34. 我的爸爸和妈妈都是中国人。_ my mother _ my father are Chinese.35. 杰瑞既学英语也学汉语。Jerry _.36. 莉莉和露西都喜欢唱歌。_Lily _Lucy like singing.lend/send/give/show/pass37. 你介意把这本书借给我吗?Do you mind _ me?38. 请把这个玻璃杯递给他。Please _this glass.39. 当你到家时,请把这封信给他们寄过去。Please _ when you arrive home.40. 请让我看看你的新连衣裙好吗?Would you please _me your new dress?41. 请把这本书给他。Please _this book.either.or.42. 太晚啦,你今天或明天去体育中心都行。Its too late.You can go to the sports center _.43. 你要么喝可乐要么喝果汁。You may have _cola _ orange juice.44. 汤姆晚上要么读英语要么听磁带。Tom _English _ tapes at night.keep doing/keep on doing45. 坚持锻炼,你会变的更健康。_, you will get healthier.46. 你能为我继续唱这首歌吗?Can you _ this song for me?47. 他反复的尝试,最后终于成功了。He _and succeeded at last.get + 比较级48. 天气正在变暖。The weather is getting _.49. 房价变得越来越贵了。The price of houses _.50. 他越来越聪明了。He _ more and more intelligent.get on/along with51. 你要学会如何和同学相处好。You should learn how to _ your classmates.52. 同脾气不好的人很难相处。Its difficult to _people who have bad temper.be ready to do/ be ready for sth.53. 当人们又困难时,我乐于帮助别人。I _ help others when they are in trouble.54. 我为英语考试做好了准备。I _my English exam.55. 你们现在准备好了吗?Are you_ now?get ready to do / get ready for sth./ get sth. ready56. 看,学生们正在为运动会做准备!Look! The students _ sports meeting.57. 我们正在为英语考试做准备。We _English exams.58. 妈妈已经把晚饭准备好了。Mum _dinner _.had better do/ had better not do59. 为了保持健康,你最好戒烟。In order to keep healthy, you _
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