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Unit 3 Under the sea 英语脱口秀怎样用英语来点菜呢?下面我们一起来学习用地道的英语点菜吧。【常用句型】*预定餐馆一般情况下,去饭店之前要预约:1A:Hello, this is the Park Restaurant. May I help you?B:Id like to make a reservation for eight people at 600 tonight.A:How many in your group?B:We are a group of eight./Id like to reserve a table for eight.A:OK.2A:Im sorry. We are all booked up tonight./Im sorry. We are quite full tonight.B:How long do we have to wait?3Im sorry, but I have to cancel my reservation.*点菜1如果要直接点菜,可以这么说:May I have a menu, please?May I order a glass of beer?What kinds of desserts do you have?Id like to have some orange.Please give me this one.2如果对当地的菜肴不熟悉,通常这么问:What is the speciality of the restaurant?Do you have any special meals today?What would you recommend? I prefer something light.3可以让同来的人替你点菜,或者点和别人一样的菜:I will leave it to you.I will have the same as that one.4需要叫菜时,可以这么说:Please take my order.5如果不急于点菜时,可以这么说:Could I have a few more minutes?*饭桌上可以这么评价菜:It smells good./It looks great./This looks delicious./My mouth is watering.It doesnt taste good.It is spicy./Its hot./Its salty./Its sweet./Its too greasy./Its too oily.Im very full./I couldnt eat another bite./I have had enough.*付款可以采用不同的方式来结账:Do you accept/take credit cards?Bill, please./Where should I pay?Its on me./This is my treat./Ill pay for it./Ill treat you.Lets spilt the bill./Lets divide the cost./Wed like to pay separately.Keep the change./May I have a receipt(发票), please?【小试身手】补全对话:从A、B、C和D中选择适当的句子完成对话。Woman:This is a really expensive place. _Man:Dont worry about that. Its on me.Waiter:Good afternoon. _Man:Just the two of us.Waiter:All right. Follow me please. Here is our menu with the specials listed on the right. I would especially recommend the lobster steak. The lobster is very fresh.Woman:I think I will just have the soup and salad, please.Man:What are you talking about? Why dont we both get two lobster steaks? It sounds great. Waiter, wed like two lobster steaks.Waiter:Yes, sir._Woman:Medium rare, please.Waiter:And you, sir?Man:I will have the same as hers.Waiter:Anything to drink today?Man:Yes. I believe we will have two glasses of your best red wine.Waiter:_Man:Yes, thank you.AHow would you like your steak done?BHow many people today?CVery good, would that be all?DAre you sure you want to eat here?Keys:DBAC与感恩节有关的英语词汇Talk Turkey:打开窗户说亮话,严肃谈某事相传在北美殖民时期,一个白人和一个印第安人去打猎,事先说好了平分打到的猎物。结果一天下来只打到一只火鸡和一只鹧鸪。白人心里想要火鸡,但又不敢直接说,于是对印第安人说:“如果你想要火鸡,就拿去吧!鹧鸪虽小一些,味道却很鲜美;如果你喜欢鹧鸪,我就拿火鸡了。”印第安人一听就明白了,于是针锋相对地说:“你一直讲火鸡,现在让我也讲讲火!”于是talk turkey演变成了“打开窗户说亮话,谈正经事,坦诚地说话”的意思了。如:1.If you are willing to talk turkey, the problem between us can be easily settled.如果你愿意实实在在地说话,那么我们之间的问题就可以很容易地解决。2.Generally he is an easygoing person, but when it comes to religious belief he talks turkey.一般来说,他是一个随和的人,但一谈到宗教信仰,他就正经起来。have a turkey on (ones) back喝醉酒red as turkey cock气得满面通红swell like a turkey cock气势汹汹的发作Thanksgiving dinner感恩节正餐Thanksgiving turkey感恩节火鸡中国小吃,外国菜名中式早点:烧饼clay oven rolls;油条fried bread stick;韭菜盒fried leek dumplings;水饺boiled dumplings;蒸饺steamed dumplings;馒头steamed buns;饭团rice and vegetable roll;蛋饼egg cakes;皮蛋100year egg;咸鸭蛋salted duck egg;豆浆soybean milk饭类:稀饭rice porridge;白饭plain white rice;油饭glutinous oil rice;糯米饭glutinous rice;卤肉饭braised pork rice;蛋炒饭fried rice with egg面类:馄钝面wonton&noodles;刀削面sliced noodles;麻辣面spicy hot noodles;麻酱面sesame paste noodles汤类:鱼丸汤fish ball soup;贡丸汤meat ball soup;蛋花汤egg&vegetable soup;紫菜汤seaweed soup;酸辣汤hvot&sour soup;馄饨汤wonton soup大排档趣味英语翻译烤串成了大家爱吃的街边美味,如果把烤串翻译成英文,还是比较有趣的,如果和你的国外朋友去吃烤串,不妨参考以下翻译。肉串Skewer(lamb)肉筋Tendon(lamb)板筋Tendon(beef)脆骨Cartilage鸡心Chicken hearts烧饼Griddle savoury cake小腰Small kidney(lamb)馒头片Crispy bun slices鸡翅Chicken wing大腰子Big kidney(lamb)骨肉相连Cartilage&chicken传统中文菜名的爆笑英文翻译语言之间的互译本来就不是容易的事,要再碰上点本国特有的文化,简直有点翻译不通。直译绝对行不通,意译又导致语义不明确。如何在这两者之间求取一个平衡,就成了非常难搞定的事儿。想当年的鲁迅先生,虽然文才了得,但在翻译这上头,也做了个不尴不尬。可见翻译绝非易事啊。中国的饮食文化堪称一绝,许多烹饪方法与食材都是外国人闻所未闻见所未见的。所以在菜名的翻译上,常常有笑话产生。前几年称北京旅游局对外发布了一个中文菜名英文译法,将大部分的中文菜名英文译法统一起来,在各大饭店推广,以便外国游客能真的看懂看全。这也算一件好事。具体到每个译法上看,有些菜名的翻译虽然是委屈求全,但要求更好恐怕也有点强人所难了。毕竟,语言文化上很多精髓都是只可意会不可言传的。下面就拿一些常见的菜名来看看。1直译类,这类比较简单锅贴 pot sticker(这个翻译非常直接,锅就是锅,贴就是贴)酸辣汤 hot&sour soup(又辣又酸的汤)春卷 spring rolls(春天的卷)柠檬牛肉 lemon beef炒杂菜 mixed vegetable(混合在一起的菜)叫化鸡 beggars chicken(乞丐鸡)四喜丸子 four joy meatballs(四个快乐的肉球)清蒸鱼 steam fish火锅 hot pot(热锅)烤鸭 roasted duck可以看到以上一些翻译,没有涉及文化内涵,而仅仅涉及制作方法或者口味的,似乎比较容易成功,而类似“四喜丸子”这样的菜名译法,看起来令人忍俊不禁。2.音译类馄饨 won ton叉烧 char shiu炒面 chow mein捞面 lo mein炒河粉 chow fun豆腐 tofu麻婆豆腐 marboh tofu从这类翻译中我们可以看出中国文化远走他乡,在异国生根,被异国文化所包容接纳的一面。3曲译类中国菜名中一些非常有诗意的元素,用英文实在无法体现出来。白云凤爪 chicken leg(鸡脚)四宝豆腐羹 steam tofu soup
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