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Unit 2 Fit for life2如何进行采访【日常用语】在日常生活中,有时我们会采访别人,此时我们将如何礼貌而又得体地进行交谈呢?(1)首先,我们应介绍自己,此时我们可以使用以下句型:Good morning/afternoon. Allow me to/Please let me introduce myself.My name is.First, Id like to thank you for agreeing this interview.上午/下午好。请允许我作一下自我介绍。我的名字是首先,我非常感谢你接受这次采访。(2)其次,我们要向对方说明采访的目的,此时我们可以用以下句型:I am doing this interview to get/gather information for./I would like to find out information about.我很想得到/收集/弄清楚关于的信息。(3)在采访的过程中,我们可以使用以下句型来提出问题:Could you tell me some specific things about.?/Could you tell me more specific things about.?您能告诉我关于的一些/更多具体的事情吗?(4)在采访结束时,我们应礼貌地感谢对方,此时我们可以用以下句式:Many thanks.=Thank you so much.=My heartful thanks. 非常感谢。I dont know how I can express my appreciation./I appreciate you more than I can say.感激之情难以言表。I should like to say how grateful I am./Im extremely grateful to you.我真是非常感谢你。【情景会话】A: Hi, Jim. Im writing a book about basketball. Can you give me some information?你好,吉姆。我正在写一本关于篮球的书。你能给我一些信息吗?B: With pleasure! What do you want to know?非常乐意!你想了解什么呢?A:Can you tell me how many kinds of screen are there?你能告诉我有几种掩护吗?B: There are five: forth screen, back screen, side screen, stationary screen and moving screen.有5种:前掩护、后掩护、侧掩护、定位掩护和行进间掩护。A: And how many kinds of press are there?那紧逼有几种呢?B: There are three kinds: full court press, half-court press and zone press. Others are one-man-press and two-man-press.有3种:全场紧逼、半场紧逼及区域紧逼。其他的是一人紧逼和双人紧逼。A: I knew your team broke through the Shanghai teams half-court press.我知道你们队打破了上海队的半场紧逼。B: Thats right. Our team won.对啊。我们队赢了。A: Congratulations!恭喜!【典例剖析】补全对话A: What do you think is the biggest environmental problem today, Dr Li?B: There are many threats to our environment nowadays, 1 How we treat our environment can influence the environment directly.A: And would you like to tell me how the way that humans see environment can affect our environment?B: OK! Most of people see everything as independent from another and ignore the relation among them. For example, 2 If we are blind to their relationships and destroy any part of them, like deforesting, and we destroy the climate at the same time.A: Thats really too bad! 3 What can we do?B: In my own opinion, the most efficient way to help our environment is not to impact on them. 4 A: But I think we can save water in our daily life or dont leave rubbish everywhere. These behavior also can protect our environment.B: Yeah. 5 A. but I think the biggest problem is the attitude of human.B. So how can we protect the environment well?C. the forest is related to the soil, sunshine, water and it can influence the climate nearby as well.D. Just let our environment develop itself.E. Everyone can make a contribution in daily life.剖析:通读全文可看出这是一篇采访。由第一个人问的问题,再分析所给的选项可知第一空选A项最合适;由For example可知,第二空是举个例子,故C项合适;由后文可知,第三空是问如何保护好环境;第四空是具体的保护好环境的方法,故应选D项;其他空格都选出来了,很显然,E项应填在第五空格处。答案:1. A2.C3.B4.D5.E
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