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专利证书 专利权 预料 期待 期望 能力 胜任 本领 金属丝 电线 拨 电话 版本 译本 无锈的 不锈的 无污点的 courtyard caution seize valid file tap distinguish distinguished convenient convenience bear bore borne associate association product produce production abrupt abruptly passive active innocent innocence practical practice practise practice current currently currency merry merrily identification identify freezing freeze up about into to through and on of back off into of jam before canyousay Everytime Followitup seemtohavemadetheirhome from for bear keepinmindthat tolet letting with association by seizedon upon playing practical cautious of innocence abruptly up 设法做完 打通电话 通过 用光 in out and on in If and built Given Seen tohave tobewandering tohaveforgotten convenient Bearing stable distinguish practical expectation from association seizing in from and my the 去掉when for in out about或shooting toshoot outoforder setout calledup nowandthen getthrough hangon ring back divedinto setabout ringoff When tohavemade proud herself that which researching easily successful a invention saying that where transportisconvenient Onlybygettingthrough canshe dowehave todothat associated withsmoking 谢谢观看
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