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Module4Carnival 评论(0) 1教学目标 1.Knowledge and Skills (知识和技能) 1)Train the students speaking skills and reading ability. (训练学生说和阅读能力) 2)Make the students study some important words and phrases.(学习本课重点单词和短语)2. Process and Methods(过程和方法) 1) Individual work or pair work to get every student to participate in the class. (独立学习和小组学习相结合,使每个学生参与进课堂) 2) Fast reading to make the students get the main idea of the passage. (快速阅读,回答简单问题使学生大致掌握本文内容)3. Emotion and Values (情感态度和价值观) 1) Try to raise the students cooperation awareness in their study by group work. (唤起学生小组学习的合作意识) 2) To learn more information about festivals at home and abroad. and increase international cultural knowledge. (了解国内外节日,增加学生国际文化知识)评论(0) 2学情分析 There are 73 regular students in my class, including 45 boys and 28 girls. Although they have learned English for some years, most of the boys are not good at English. Therefore, when designing this class, I try my best to use different teaching methods to make the students concentrate on the class. 我所任教班级是一个理科二层次班级,共73人,其中男生45人,女生28人。尽管学生有了一定英语基础,但是大多数男生英语基础薄弱,对英语缺乏兴趣。基于此,在设计这个课时,我采用了以小组合作学习为主,图片展示,小组竞赛等多种教学方法,力求让学生上课集中注意力,增加其对英语的兴趣,从而完成教学任务。评论(0) 3重点难点 1. Encourage the students to talk about some festivals. (鼓励学生谈论节日)2. Help the students to improve their reading ability. (帮助学生提高阅读能力)3. Help the students study some important words and phrases. (帮助学生学习重点单词和短语)Teaching Difficult Points:(教学难点)Answer the question: What is the meaning of carnival? (回答问题:狂欢节的意义是什么)4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 1教学活动 评论(0) 活动1【活动】活动 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动Step 1.Lead in第一步:引入活动一:在电子白板上展示两组学生预习作业。活动二:在电子白板展示国内外多种节日图片。活动一:小组讨论,课前按照月份讨论出传统中国节日。活动二:小组竞赛,比拼谁能又快又准确猜出图片展示节日。Step 2.Fast Reading第二步:快速阅读活动一:播放Cultural Corner音频。活动二:在电子白板上展示出与课文相关的4个问题。要求学生在规定字数范围内作答。活动三:下指令,让学生小组内核对并讨论问题答案。活动四:在电子白板上给出正确答案。活动一:听完录音后,回答一道与文章相关的简单问题。活动二:快速阅读课文,找出问题答案。活动三:小组内核对并讨论问题答案。活动四:核对答案。Step3.Careful Reading第三步:精读活动一:给出本课难点问题: 狂欢节的意义是什么?用填空的方式帮助学生梳理本课难点。活动二:邀请两个学生上黑板完成填空。活动一:根据表格,在文章中找出要点词汇。活动二:在黑板上完成精读任务。Step 4.Language Points第四步:知识点活动一:给出文章中重点短语的中文含义。活动一:小组讨论合作,在文章中找出所给中文含义的英语短语。Step5.Enjoy a video about carnival.第五步:观看视频活动一:准备好并播放一段关于芬兰狂欢节的音频。活动一:观看视频。Step6. Homework第六步:布置作业活动一:布置作业活动一:按要求完成作业。4
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