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Unit1单元测试题 一 听力理解 本大题分为A B C D四部分 共25小题 每小题1分 共25分 见 听力随身听 二 单项填空 本大题共20小题 每小题1分 共20分 26 Janecanplay chessbutshecan tplay drums A the theB theC the D a the Unit1单元测试题 B 27 Alicelikes usstoriesinEnglish Weallloveherstories A talkingB tellingC sayingD speaking Unit1单元测试题 B 28 Ourmusicteacherisgood singinganddancing Andsheisgood allthestudents A with atB with withC at withD at for Unit1单元测试题 C 29 Cansheplaytheviolin Butshecanplaythepiano A Yes shecanB No shecan tC Yes shedoesD No shedoesn t Unit1单元测试题 B 30 Whatdoesyoursisterlike music writing sports A andB orC butD 31 Susancanpaintwell soshewilljointhe club A musicB swimmingC chessD art Unit1单元测试题 B D 32 WhatcanhedotohelphismotheronSundays Hecan Sohismothercangetmoretimetorest A dohouseworkB dohomeworkC talkwithherD doChinesekungfu Unit1单元测试题 A 33 It stoodifficultforhim He doit A canB can tC notD don t 34 Hisfavoritesportisplayingbaseball He likesvolleyball A onlyB sureC tooD also Unit1单元测试题 B D 35 Tomcanplaytheguitar buthecan tplayit A wellB goodC badlyD bad 36 Youcan onourschoolsoccerteam A areB isC beD am Unit1单元测试题 A C 37 Therearefour inJohn sfamily A mansB peoplesC peopleD child 38 clubdoyouwanttojoin Themusicclub A WhatB WhereC WhenD Why Unit1单元测试题 C A 39 Tomisunhappy sohedoesn twantto you A dealwithB talkwithC helpwithD tellwith 40 Areyou now Ineedyourhelp Yes Iam Ihavenothingtodonow A freeB busyC angryD interesting Unit1单元测试题 B A 41 Finishyourwork anddon tleaveittomorrow A todayB yesterdayC reallyD freely 42 Hismotherisaverygoodcook Mymotherisagoodcook A alsoB tooC eitherD well Unit1单元测试题 A B 43 Tony thisquestionistoodifficult Canyou me answerit Sure A help withB teach toC teach withD help for Unit1单元测试题 B 44 Cherryisalovelyandfriendlygirl Youcan her A makefriendswithB helpwithC begoodforD bebusywith Unit1单元测试题 A 45 CanIsithere A I msorry youcan tB Ofcourseyoucan tC Yes youcan tD Youarewelcome Unit1单元测试题 A 三 完形填空 本大题共10小题 每小题1分 共10分 Theshow SuperBrain isveryhotinChinanow Doyouknowthefourjudges 评委 LiangDongisveryfunny soeveryonelikes46 Heisinthereadingclub By47books hecanknowmanythings T Unit1单元测试题 三 完形填空 本大题共10小题 每小题1分 共10分 Theshow SuperBrain isveryhotinChinanow Doyouknowthefourjudges 评委 LiangDongisveryfunny soeveryonelikes46 Heisinthereadingclub Unit1单元测试题 By47books hecanknowmanythings TaoJingying48singing Shejoinsthe49clubwithherfriends LiYongbolikesplayingbadminton sohecan50LinDantoplaybadminton Dr Weiisinterestedinalltheplayers He51talktothemandmakefriends52them Unit1单元测试题 Alltheplayersinthe53candomanyunusual 不寻常的 things Soithelpsthemwiththeirstudy54work NowtheyaregoingtohaveamatchwiththeplayersintheItalianteam IthinkourChinese55candobetterthanthem Unit1单元测试题 46 A youB himC herD them 47 A findingB watchingC readingD seeing 48 A isgoodwithB isgoodatC isbusywithD isdifferentfrom 49 A sportsB swimmingC musicD English B Unit1单元测试题 C B C 50 A askB teachC makeD tell 51 A getstoB takestoC wantstoD givesto 52 A onB withC forD to 53 A bookB movieC clubD show 54 A soB andC orD but 55 A clubB teamC classD school B Unit1单元测试题 C B D B B 四 阅读理解 本大题共15小题 每小题2分 共30分 从每小题所给的四个选项中 选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案 并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内 A Unit1单元测试题 Unit1单元测试题 Unit1单元测试题 Unit1单元测试题 56 StudentsintheGuitarClubmeeton afternoon A MondayB TuesdayC WednesdayD Thursday Unit1单元测试题 B 57 areopentothe9thgradestudents A BothGuitarClubandBookclubB BothBookClubandBasketballClubC BothBasketballClubandMagicClubD BothGuitarClubandGreenClub Unit1单元测试题 B 58 Ifyoulike youcangototheclubonThursdayafternoon A playingtheguitarB readingbooksC watchingmagicD learningaboutscience Unit1单元测试题 C 59 IfyouwanttojointheScienceClub youcancall A Mr YeB Mr MillerC MissHandD Mrs Smith Unit1单元测试题 C 60 WhichofthefollowingisNOTtrue A StudentsworkonrecyclinginGreenClub B StudentsmeetinBiologyRoomonWednesday C BasketballClubopensonlyonFridayafternoon D Studentsinthe9thgradecan tjointheGuitarClub Unit1单元测试题 C BMr SmithisanEnglishteacher HecomesfromAmerica Hehasadaughter HernameisAmy andsheisagoodengineerinNewYork Mr Smithlikestravelingverymuch andhecanspeakSpanishverywell Unit1单元测试题 NowheisinChina sohewantstolearnsomeChinese HeworksveryhardathisChinese andgoestoChineseclasseseveryevening HehasalotoffriendsinChinaandtheyoftenhelphim Helikestotalkwiththem Unit1单元测试题 HetellshisdaughterthathecanspeakgoodChinese andhedoesn thaveanytroublewithChinese buttheChinesepeoplehavealotwhentheytalktohim WhatafunnymanMr Smithis Unit1单元测试题 61 Mr Smithworksin A ahospitalB apolicestationC aschoolD abank 62 Mr Smithisgoodat A ChineseB JapaneseC SpanishD French Unit1单元测试题 C C 63 WheredoeshelearnChinese A Inapark B Athome C Athisfriend shome D Inaneveningschool Unit1单元测试题 D 64 Theunderlinedword trouble means inChinese A 意义B 内容C 困难D 原因 Unit1单元测试题 C 65 Whatdoweknowfromthepassage A Mr Smithisanengineer B Mr Smith sdaughtercanspeakChinesewell C Mr Smithcan tspeakChinesewell D ChinesepeoplehavealotoftroublewithChinese Unit1单元测试题 C C配对阅读 左栏是对五个大学生的爱好或想参加的活动的描述 右栏是微信上通过二维码扫描到的七个应聘广告 请为每一位大学生选择一份最适合的工作 66 Tinalikesreadingallkindsofbooks Shewantstofindapar
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