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SENTENCE EXPLANATIONS 请和你的同学一起认真分析下面句子,并补全所缺内容。这种学习方式能逐步提高你理解长难句的能力。 1.Cathy, do you mean well use the computer to travel around the world, entering and exiting countries in seconds and visiting all the historical sites? (P12)【分析】 本句是一个主从复合句。主句do you mean后面是一个省略了that的宾语从句, 其中entering and exiting countries in seconds and visiting all the historical sites 是并列的动词-ing形式短语作_,对谓语表示的动作加以说明或作为陪衬。【句意】 凯西,你的意思是我们将通过电脑来周游世界,瞬间进出世界各国,参观所有的历史名胜吗?【仿写】 我进来的时候,王浩正躺在床上看小说。 _.2. We would not only be able to travel around the world, but also go to study in any world famous universities we wanted to. (P12)【分析】 本句是一个复合句。not only . but also在主句中连接两个并列谓语。we wanted to是省略了关系代词that的定语从句,修饰先行词_。【句意】 我们不仅能够周游世界,而且可以进入任何一所我们想去的世界知名大学学习。【仿写】 她不但歌唱得好,舞也跳得美。3. It is also the most exciting city in New Zealand with people of many different culturesliving there. (P14)【分析】本句是一个简单句。with people of many different cultures living there是“with +复合结构”作_。【句意】它也是新西兰最具活力的多元文化城市。【仿写】那是一棵由各种彩灯装饰着的很大的树。_KEY:SENTENCE EXPLANATIONS1. 【分析】伴随状语【仿写】When I came in, Wang Hao was lying in the bed, reading a novel.2. 【分析】universities【仿写】She not only sings well but also dances beautifully.3. 【分析】定语【仿写】It is quite a big tree with all sorts of coloured lights decorating it.1
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