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用心 爱心 专心 高三英语高三英语备考综合练习备考综合练习人教版人教版 同步教育信息同步教育信息 一 本周教学内容 备考综合练习 典型例题典型例题 1 Liu Xiang has won the men s 110 meters hurdle race in 13 05 seconds in the 2005 Shanghai Golden Grand Prix He defeated Allen Johnson again A Cheer up B My goodness C What a good news D Congratulations 答案 答案 B 讲解 讲解 此题考查交际用语 从下句中的后半句可以推出听话人对上述的事情表示非常 的惊讶 A 项是 振作起来 C 项 news 是不可数名词不应有 a D 项是对当事人的祝 贺 2 more and more rain forests damaged some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out A As B With C By D For 答案 答案 B 讲解 讲解 此题考查 with 的复合结构 它为 with 名词 代词 动词过去分词 的结构 表示原因 意为 由于越来越多的雨林被损坏 A 项 as 应接从句 即 as more and more rain forests are damaged C 项 By 不能接复合结构 D 项 For 引导一个原因从 句应置主句之后 3 As we know the tsunami is one of natural disasters of nature which is rather difficult for man to control A the the B C the D a 答案 答案 C 讲解 讲解 此题考查冠词 nature 作 自然界 自然力量 讲时为不可数名词 不用冠词 限定 第一空为 自然灾害中的其中一种 one of 后范围应为特指 4 Jackie Chan the film The Myth this June but I don t know whether he has finished it It has been released A had made B made C has mad D was making 答案 答案 D 讲解 讲解 此题考动词谓语时态 有些学生一看到 this June 就认为一定用过去时 事实 上后面的提示句很重要 but I don t know whether he has finished it 可知电影 可能还没完成 那么 六月份 Jackie Chen 一直在拍电影 神话 接下句 我不知道 是否已完成 所以选过去进行时 5 Do you like the place of interest On the contrary it s the place that I want to visit A best B last C worst D first 答案 答案 B 讲解 讲解 the last place that I want to visit 意为 最不想去的地方 再如 He is the last one to help you 他是最不可能帮助你 On the contrary 相反 言外 之意 No I don t like it at all 故选 B 用心 爱心 专心 6 Nothing in my life has meant to me as his praise A as much B more C that much D as good 答案 答案 A 讲解 讲解 此题考查 as as 句型 mean 意为 关系重大 多有 much a lot 修饰 再如 My friends mean a lot to me 我的朋友对我来说非常重要 7 Darling shall we go to the cinema tonight No I d rather at home with our baby You d better not it to the babysitter at night A stayed leaving B stay to leave C you stayed leave D you stay leave 答案 答案 C 讲解 讲解 此题考查 would rather had better 句型 两个词组后接动词都要用原型 但 would rather 后接从句 即 would rather sb did sth 句型 sb 后动词需用过去 时 是虚拟语气用法 此处记牢句型 做题不难 8 The report says that the famous film star is now willing to play for would pay him five million yuan a year A anyone B no matter who C whomever D whoever 答案 答案 D 讲解 讲解 空缺处在句法功能上是一个引导词 引导介词宾语从句 在宾语从句中 这个 引导词作主语 所以用主格形式 whoever 等于 anyone who 而 anyone 可作主语但不能 引导从句 no matter who 只能引导状语从句 9 The earthquake in South Asia in October 2005 is believed more than 40 000 people and made 4 million people homeless it perhaps one of the most destroying natural disaster in Asia this year A to kill making B killing made C having killed to make D to have killed making 答案 答案 D 讲解 讲解 此题主要考查句型及非谓语动词的意义 注意句型 sb sth is believed reported said to do sth 某人或某事被认为 报导 据说要做某事 如果动词不定式动 作发生在 is believed 动作之前应用完成时态 to have done 非谓语动词形式 ing 可 表示事物发展的自然结果或伴随状语 多放句末 10 Did you visit Disneyland during your visit to HongKong No we it but we spent too much time shopping A can t have visited B must have visited C could have visitedD shouldn t have visited 答案 答案 C 讲解 讲解 此题考查虚拟语气 A 项表示对过去某事否定推测 意为 不可能访问 B 项表示对过去某事肯定推测 意为 一定访问过 C 项表示对过去动作 本能做确因某 种原因没做 D 项表示 本不该做而事实却做了 根据答语没有去迪斯尼乐园玩 由 于花费大量时间购物而未能去 故选 C 11 The island is two kilometers off the coast and you can t get there by boat A rather than B other than C more than D less than 用心 爱心 专心 答案 答案 B 讲解 讲解 此题考查短语辨析 rather than 而不是 other than 除 之外 more than 超过 不只是 less than 不及 此句意思是 除乘船外 你到不了那个岛 12 Sleep well last night Far from that My next door neighbour music pretty loud A play B had played C would play D was playing 答案 答案 D 讲解 讲解 时态考查题 从前句的时间状语 last night 判断 是过去的情况 而 在我睡 觉时放音乐 说是过去进行的动作 所以选 D 13 When he just entered the school he had forgotten to take along this notebook A he suddenly occurred B that suddenly occurred to him C it suddenly occurred to him that D to him that suddenly occurred 答案 答案 C 讲解 讲解 句子结构考查题 occur 是一个不及物动词 意思是 发生 存在 想起 想到 句型是 sth occurs 某事发生 sth occurs to sb 谁想到某事 It occurs that 从句 It 为形式主语 that 引导实际主语从句 此题后有从句 需要 it 作形式主语的结构 故选 C 14 She promised us that she would do get rid of the virus in our computer A all what she could doB all she could to C all she couldD what she could 答案 答案 B 讲解 讲解 对是句子结构考查 选有 all 选项 不能用 what 引导后面定语从句 排除 A 项 由于此句有 do 后面定语从句省略 do 而 to do 作目的状语 意为 为了消除病 毒 记牢句型 do all he could to help 尽一切所能来帮助 15 It is in this car is very beautiful I went to Beijing A which that B that which C which which D that in which 答案 答案 A 讲解 讲解 同样是对句子结构考查 第一空为定语从句 第二空为 It is that 强 调句式 意为 我是坐着这辆十分漂亮的车去北京的 句中 this car 是 is very beautiful 逻辑主语 可选 which 或 that 但后面空只能用 that 构成强调句 强调的是 in this car 原句为 I went to Beijing in this car that is very beautiful 模拟试题模拟试题 答题时间 90 分钟 一 完形填空 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从 1 20 各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 What would life be like without television Would you spend more time 1 reading or studying Well now it s your chance to turn off your TV and 2 TV Turnoff Week is here 用心 爱心 专心 The goal of TV Turnoff Week is to let people leave their TV sets 3 and participate in activities 4 drawing to biking The event was founded by TV Turnoff Network a non profit organization which started the ev
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