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Unit 2 RobotsPart I Words一、【学习目标】1、熟读Unit2的所有单词和词组;2、会写除人名和地名以外的所有单词词组;3、会熟练运用重点单词和词组。二、【自主预习】I. Word-formation1. satisfaction n.满意 _ vt.使满意 _ 满意的; _adj.令人满意的2. accompany vt. 陪伴;伴奏 _ n. 作伴;陪伴3. affection n. 喜爱;慈爱;感情 _ vt. 影响;感动4. imagination n. 想象;想象力 _ vt. 想象5. junior ad.j年幼的;年少的;较低等的 _ oppo. 较高等的;上等的 6. theoretical adj.理论的 _ n. 理论7. obey vt.服从;遵循 _ oppo. 不服从 ;不顺从 8. assessment n. 评价;评定 _ v. 评价;评定9. alarm vt. 使惊恐;警告 _ adj. 使人惊慌的10. receive vt.接收;收到,接待 _ n.接收者;接收器;听筒II. 短语荟萃1. to ones satisfaction 令某人满意的 satisfy ones needs 满足某人的需要2. accompany sb. to陪伴某人去 be accompanied with 伴随;随同3. out of sympathy 出于同情 have sympathy for 对同情 in sympathy with同情; 赞成; 和一致4. in favour of 支持;赞同 do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙5. a pile of 一堆 piles of 一堆堆的 pile up 堆积起来 be piled with 堆满了6. declare against声明反对 declare for 声明支持7. envy sb. for sth. 因某事而嫉妒某人 feel envy at 对.感到妒忌或羡慕 become the envy of sb.成为令人嫉妒/羡慕的事物 out of envy出于嫉妒/羡慕8. be junior to 年龄小于/劣于 be superior to 年龄长于/优于9. show ones talent for 展示某人某方面的才华10. get a divorce with sb. 和某人离婚 divorce sb. 与某人离婚III. 语境填词1. We had ameal together last Sunday. All the guests arevery.(satisfy)2. Out offor the homeless children he gave them shelter for the night. People say he was. (sympathy)3. She has always beenfrom work recently. Her boss is very angry with her and wants to dismiss her. (absence)4. The Chinese teacherthe difficult long sentence again and again but hermade the students more puzzled. (explain)5. Hehis support for the terrorists. He must be responsible for his. (declare)6. Walt Disney was a successful. People like hisvery much, especially the children. (cartoon)7. Making speeches in public always the actress. She feels when the reporters ask her personal questions. (embarrass)8. People feelto live in the newly built houses because of thenoises from the market nearby. (annoy)9. I was sleeping soundly in the morning when a telephone me awake. I was evento hear the alarming news that another bombing had hit London. (alarm)10. The escalator didnt operate. What can I do toaway the problem? (smooth)三、【合作探究】Key words and expressions 1. desire n. 愿望 欲望 vt. 希望;渴望 【研读思考】(1) I have no desire to discuss the question. (2) He had a strong desire for success. (3) She desired to marry a rich man. (4) He desired us to leave soon.(5) A majority of the people desire peace rather than battles(6) We desire that she (should) type the letter at once.【结构归纳】1. 迫切想要做某事 _ 2. 迫切想要得到某物 3. 渴望做某事_ 4.想要某人做某事 _5. 渴望. _【实战演练】(1) _.我们希望得到快速的答复。(immediate)(2) In the orphanage, he desired _. (adopt)在孤儿院,他渴望被收养。 (3) People there desired that _ . (treat)那里的人们渴望平等地对待。(4)The boy expressed his desire in his diary _ other students in the final exam. (catch)这个男孩在日记中表达了强烈的愿望,即在期末考试中他要赶上其他的学生。2. favor n. 好感/偏爱/宠爱 vt. 支持;赞成【研读思考】(1) A mother shouldnt show too much favor to one of her children. (2) The boy did her the great favor to fetch the basket. (3) The talks about the East Sea between China and Japan are in our favor. (4) Fortune favors the brave. (5) The weather favored our voyage. (6) We favor Johns plan.(7) In their discussion, I was in favor of Mr. Black. 【结构归纳】1. 偏袒某人 (n.) 2. 帮某人一个忙 3. 对某人有利;支持某人 (n) 4. 偏袒,偏爱;支持 (v)【实战演练】The question is my suggestion. (favor)问题是他们是否支持我的观点。4
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