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Unit1 school life班级_ 姓名_【学习目标】1. To read the words fluently, paying attention to the pronunciation of some difficult words.2. To master the new words and phrases, and apply these words into practical use.【活动方案】Activity one: 自主预习unit1 page2-5的单词,完成单词拼写,中文意思,词性,词性转换。1. 有乐趣的_(adj.) , _(vt.)2. 经历,体验 _,词性_,_3. 尊敬尊重 _,词性_,_4. 努力,挣扎 _,词性_,_5. 具有挑战_(adj.)_(vt) _(n.)6. 满意 _(n.) _(adj.对满意的) (令满意的) (vt.)Activity two:自主预习Welcome to the unit & Reading,完成下列词组及句子翻译。1. 一次愉快的经历2. 对满意3. 大约早上9点4. 比平时晚一小时5. 在第一天6. 参加集会7. 一个名叫Diana的女孩8. 做最佳途径9. 赢得尊敬10. 专心学习11. 取得好成绩12. 听起来像13. 我最爱的老师14. 她上的课15. 普通/一般大小规模16. 对我来说是个挑战17. 不如繁重18. 过去常做.19. 有点困难,有挑战性20. 给我很多鼓励21. 每天花1小时读书22. 在午休时间23. 给家人发电子邮件24. 免费地25. 上额外的法语课26. 在学期末27. 喜欢我做的饼28. 其它如艺术,计算机的科目29. 在学校运动场上玩30. 在树下休息31. 坐在草地上32. 体验不同的生活方式33. 回顾34. 满意地35. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school.36. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food.37. My English improved a lot.38. Though it did not look very beautiful when it was finished, I still liked it very muchActivity three: consolidation一、单选1.Hearing his travelling ,I knew that he was an traveler. A. experiences; experienced B. experience; experience C. experiences; experiencing D. experience; experiencing2. How long does your mother usually spend a big dinner?A. to prepare B. to prepare forC. preparing forD. preparing3. Although it was really a difficult task, he decided to try his best to success. A. challenge B. host C. approve D. achieve4. Im lucky to have got two tickets . Are you to go to the concert with me? A. freely; free B. for free; freely C. freely; for free D. for free; free5. He made up his mind to devote his life to pollution from again. A. preventing; happening B. prevent; happen C. preventing; happens D. preventing; will happen6. Dina, for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency. A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. to struggle7. I bought this shirt yesterday and I want to exchange it a blue one. A. with B. for C. / D. to二、单词拼写1. She (赚,挣)a hard living by selling vegetables day and night.2. Visiting Africa is an unforgettable e .3. We (交换)our opinions about the event at the meeting.4. He (搏斗)with his assailants and eventually drove them off.5. The a temperature in oxford last month was 20.6. His grandfather was a kind man r by all the neighbors, men and women, old and young.7. You e made me more confident of my future.
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