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高二英语Revision1知识精讲【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容: Revision 1 教学目标:复习MODULE 1&2 单词、短语: havein commonlinguistmake a difference accentobviousmotorwayunderground subwayget aroundflashlightqueue confusingprepositioncompareomit varietydiffersettlerbe similar to remarkvariationhave difficulty in doing sth steadilysatelliteflickswitch lead tostructurerapidlyannouncement linguisticseditioncuteadd in favour ofpresentrefer toattempt simplifycombinationthanks todistinctive lookcriticisestandardreference intellectualsatisfyingstressfulaccountant barberbiochemistelectricianminer volunteeroffersignalin particular sheeron averagein theoryin practice respecttollbendcircular directpass bytakefor grantedencounter profoundhave an effect onmissionqualified take upverticaltake notice oftemporary freezerfreezecontractearn permanentsalarystaffsign agentanalystapplydeduction organizationalpostchefrequire renewableessentialmodelshot in response togratefulavailabledatabase demandbioinformaticiantraditionalyoungster sufferpathologistdoubleleisure individualfitnessoutgoingpersonality 重点词语: havein commonmake a differenceget around comparedifferbe similar tohave difficulty in doing sth lead toin favour ofrefer toattempt thanks tostandardintellectualsatisfying stressfuloffersignalin particular on averagein theoryin practicerespect benddirectpass bytakefor granted have an effect ontake uptake notice oftemporary freezecontractearnapply requireessentialshotin response to availabledemandsufferdouble individual 词语要点归纳: 1. have.in common(with)是固定搭配,意为(“和”)有共同之处,“common”在这里作名词。 have a lotmucha great deal in common(with) (和)有很多共同之处 have not muchnothinglittle in common(with) (和)没有多少共同之处 in common with sb. sth. 与一样 in common共同、共有 2. make a difference有影响,使不相同,起重要作用 make nolittle difference(to)对没有几乎没有影响 make somemuch difference(to)对有些有很大的影响 tell the difference between A and B - tell A from B 说出A和B的不同 be different from 与不同 be different in在方面不同 3. compare意为“比较,相比”常与介词withto连用;它还可意为“把比作”,这时常和介词to连用。 compared withto 与相比,在句中常作状语 4. prefer意为“更喜欢prefer to do sth. prefer doing“喜欢干某事” prefer n. to n. 比起更喜欢 prefer doing to doing 比起做,更喜欢做 prefer sb. to do sth 希望某人干某事 prefer to do sthrather than do sth. 宁可干也不愿意干 5. get aroundget aboutget round意为“四处走动”,“旅行” get aroundspread(消息、谣言等)传开 6. after all位于句首时,意为“毕竟,究竟”以表示提醒对方,位于句尾时,意为“终究”,表示原因。 above all首先,最重要的是 in all总共,总计 at all全然,完全 first of all首先 all in all完全,整个的 7. lead to 意为“导致,引起”,to是介词 lead a happy life 过幸福的生活 hold the lead 保持领先地位 8. make oneself done 使自己被别人(明白,听清楚) 9. at the flick of a switch:轻轻一拨开关 10. at the moment 意为此刻,现在,目前 for the moment 暂时,目前 in a moment 一会儿,马上,立刻 11. so far 意为“到目前为止”,与现在完成时连用。 12. pick up 好转,改善 站起来(尤指跌倒后) 用车搭载某人或接某人 拿起,拾起,举起或抬起某人物 便宜的买到某物 通过实践学会(外语、技术等) 13. refer to的意思为说到,涉及;参考,查询;指而言 14. make a fuss on / over sb. 过分注意 15. carry out 意为“执行,开展,实现” carry on 意为“继续下去,发展” 16. attempt 可作v. 或n. 用,attempt to do sth试图尝试作某事 17. offer 提供, 提出, 常用于以下句型: (1)offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. (2)offer to do sth. (3)offer money for sb. (4)offer sth. for money provide sb. with sth. / sth. for sb. supply sb. with sth. / sth. for(to) sb. 18. in condition 意为“处于状况中” in condition “健康状况良好” out of condition 健康状况不佳 on condition that 在条件下,倘若 on no condition 在任何条件下都不能 19. have an effect on/upon 对产生作用,发生影响 have no/little/much/great effect on/upon 对没有/有很少/有很大/重大影响 put/bring/carry into effect 实行,实施;施行 come/go into effect 开始实施,开始生效 of no effect 对产生影响 20. thanks to表 “由于,多亏了”含感谢之意 21. pass by 经过 pass by sb. /sth. 经过某人/某物旁边 pass sb./ sth. by 忽视或避免接触某人/某物 pass on 去世 pass through 穿过, 经历 pass down 流传 passer-by 过路者 pass off 发生, 进行 pass away 消逝, 去世 pass out 失去知觉 22. take for granted “想当然;认为是当然的” take it easy别着急,慢慢来 take sth. seriously 郑重,严肃对待某事 take ones time 慢慢来,不紧张 take it for granted that 认为理所当然 23. take up (1)占据 (2)拿起 (3)开始从事某职业 (
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