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20162017学年度第一学期期末抽测高一年级英语试题(答案)一听力 1-5 BCACC 6-10 BCBCC 11-15 CBCAB 16-20 BAABC二单项选择 21-25 CDBCD 26-30 BBCAC 三完形填空 31-35 CADDB 36-40 ABCDA 41-45 BADAA四阅读理解 46-48 DBC 49-51 AAD 52-55 CDAA五任务型阅读: 56. Introduction 57. encourage 58. wear 59. happy/willing/ready/content/glad 60. Problem(s)/Difficulty(Difficulties) 61. dislike 62. think 63. Support 64. choose 65. time六单词拼写 66. emergency 67. forbidden 68. harmony 69. optimistic 70. officially 71. failure 72. graduation 73. attacked 74. ashamed 75. argument 七短文填空 76. who/that 77. when 78. an 79. whether 80. on八补齐短文 81. E 82. B 83. G 84. F 85. D九写作Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children, as a result of which quarrels always arise. Some children even deliberately choose to go against their parents will. Several reasons may account for the conflict.First of all, children want to be free to choose their own friends, plan their own future, and run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow. Also, young children desire to be understood by their parents, which most parents fail to do. Parents, on the other hand, expect too much of their children. They want their children to behave and have good academic performance at school. In my opinion, most problems between parents and children will disappear through joint efforts of both sides. Only with more communication and mutual respect can this problem be finally solved.录音原文:Text 1M: I was looking for a book, but I couldnt find it on the shelf.W: Oh, somebody must have borrowed that book.Text 2W: Hello, is this Mr. Wu?M: Yes, hello, Jane.W: One of my relatives is sending a package from Japan to me and asking for my address, but I dont know it. So Im calling to ask you.Text 3M: Ive got two tickets for the film. Would you like to go with me?W: Im sorry. Im afraid not.M: Why?W: A patient has just arrived. He was badly hurt in a traffic accident. He is due to be operated on at once.Text 4M: The car was a total loss. Did you see it?W: Yes. Can you imagine three women and a baby were in the horrible accident without being hurt?Text 5M: Excuse me, how much are the tickets?W: Theyre ten dollars each for the general public, but students tickets are half price. How many tickets do you want?Text 6W: What was that? Did you hear that? I think it came from over there, by Gregs tent.M: Come on, Rachel. Youre just being silly. Theres nothing there. Go back to sleep.W: I am not! I know I heard something. What if its a wolf?M: There is no wolf out there, Rachel. Were camping near a lake. You might run into an angry duck at worst.W: Ducks arent that big. Whatever made that noise was huge. I know it.M: Come on, Rachel. Its probably just all in your imagination. Youve been driving all day to get here, so just get some rest.W: Well, I guess youre right. Ill feel better after a good nights sleep.Text 7M: Hey, come on in.W: Thanks.M: I just made myself some coffee. Do you want some?W: No, thanks. I already had one this morning. But I like your kitchen.M: Thanks. I just painted it. So, I heard you have a pretty cool new job. W: Yeah, I am working for a company that does all kinds of special events.M: Oh, yeah? Like what?W: Well, at the moment, Im helping to organize the birthday party for the owner of Air India. Well be flying in some musicians from Las Vegas to perform at the party next Monday.M: Wow, really? That sounds pretty expensive.W: It will be! Were renting out a huge space for the event. Well be spending 10000 dollars on flowers, 25000 dollars on food, and 20000 dollars on drinks.M: That sounds crazy. So, what will you do at the party?W: Oh, Ill just be there to make sure everything goes smoothly. Text 8W:Andy was acting kind of crazy today. Did you notice?M:Yeah, hes under a lot of stress. There was a problem with the project in Paris. W:Well, working for him has its ups and downs, but today wasnt pleasant.M:I know. Hes not the best boss, but hes OK, I think. Anyway, what are you going to buy here?W: Well. Im going to get these lamb chops, I think. The sign says theyre on sale.M:Oh, you shouldnt get them. You should get this other brand instead.W:Really? Why?M:The label says these lamb chops come from New Zealand. Were here in London, which is pretty far away! Its not good for the environment to eat food that has to travel so far. A lot of energy is wasted and a lot of pollution is created to get it here.W:Well, I can see what you mean. This other brand is cheaper, anyway, and its from lambs raised in the UK.M:I always try to buy local foods theyre fresher, and they support the local economyText 9M:Now Mrs. Jones, it seems youve put on quite a bit since last month. Have you been following
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