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高二英语期末复习单选练习Units1-10Unit 1 Making a difference1. He has been working _ his new novel for three months. And Im sure it will come out as a surprise again.A. on B. at C. for D. with2. His opinion is similar _ his brothers. A. with B. like C. to D. as3. Look! The house is _. Lets go and put it out. A. in fire B. in a fire C. on fire D. on a fire4. Its bad manners to _ your promise. A. keep B. take C. follow D. break5. They _ the foreign affairs those days. A. engaged themselves in B. were engaged to C. were engaged on D. were engaged with6. The price _, but we are not sure if it will remain so. A. has gone up B. has gone by C. has gone through D. has gone on7. - How many English classes do you _ in a week, Teacher Wang? - Four classes a week. A. have B. make C. give D. take8. Einsteins theory _ correct later. A. was proved B. was turned out to be C. was proving D. turned out to be9. Westerners _ so many Christian(基督的) festivals as Christmas, Easter. A. observe B. watch C. notice D. see10. I happen _ the answer to the question. Please dont be proud of me. A. knowing B. know C. to know D. to be knowing11. He doesnt like soccer and _ . A. so does his brother B. so his brother does C. neither does his brother D. nor his brother does12. What do you suppose made her worried? a gold ring. A. Lose B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing13. She made a candleus light. A. give B. gave C. to give D. given14. He hurried to the station,the 9:30 train had already left. A. to find B. only to find C. finding D. only finding15. Why was a special meeting called? a new chairman. A. To elect B. Electing C. Our electing D. ElectedUnit 2 News Media1. He is not _ to what has happened. A. connected B. concerned C. related D. joined2. Li Ming is in good health. I think he _ to the climate in Tibet. A. fits B. suits C. adapts D. is fit3. It was what he said at the meeting that _ peoples attention _ him. A. paid, to B. called, to C. gave, to D. attracted, to4. What he said _ a great effect upon us. A. does have B. have C. having D. to have5. All the people _ to the meeting will be great scientists. A. invited B. being invited C. to be invited D. inviting6. We have all agreed _ going there by train, for it is safe. A. on B. with C. to D. for7. The accident was caused by the drivers carelessness, so he was responsible _ it. A. with B. for C. to D. at8. The government is trying to help the people _ the bad earthquake. A. suffer B. suffered C. to suffer D. suffering from9. We are looking forward _ a peaceful world rather than a world with war. A. to get B. to have C. to having D. to getting10. What you have done is _ what we expected you to. A. more than B. rather than C. not for D. but also11. He went out in a hurry, _ the door unlocked. A. leaving B. left C. to leave D. to be left12. One boy in ten _ to the sports meet. A. are going to choose B. is to be chosen C. are going to be chosen D. is going to choose13. Whats the language _ in Germany? A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak14. Dont get in the rain. A. to be caught B. catching C. to catch D. caught15. _ from space, the earth, with water _ seventy percent of its surface, looks like a blue ball.A. Seen, covered B. Seen, covering C. Seeing, covering D. Seeing, coveredUnit 3 Art and Architecture1. The children pushed out of the rooms, _ joy. A. filled of B. full with C. filled D. full of2. The police found that the house _and a lot of things _. A. has broken into, has been stolen B. had broken into, had stolen C. had been broken into, st
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