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高二英语Module2 A Job Worth Doing外研社一. 本周教学内容:Module 2A Job Worth Doing二. 重难点讲解:1. offer: vt. & n 提供 He offered me $2000 for the car.I accepted an offer of help.2. Life is hard at high altitude, and the mountains make communications difficult.make 此处为动词,“使成为,使变为”。 常接复合结构。即make +宾语+宾语补足语。做宾语补足语的可以是名词、形容词、省略to的不定式、过去分词等形式。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Sit down and make yourself comfortable. He made me repeat it. I am afraid I cant make myself understood.3. condition :n.状况,状态。后与介词of搭配。 The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness. 4. particular: adj. 特定的The accident happened on that particular day. He is very particular about his food.5. consider :v. 考虑;认为 I considered changing my job, but in the end I decided not to. We consider him our friend.6. on average=on the /an average: 平均 How many classes do you have every day on average?7. every +基数+名词复数=every +序数+名词单数,意为 “每” every two weeks=every second week=every other week He comes to see us every two days?8. survive :v. 大难不死,死里逃生 She survived the accident.9. in theory :理论上 in practice:实际上In theory the train should arrive at 9:15, but in practice it is quite often late.10. thanks to =because of 我们不是因为你才赢的。It was no thanks to you that we won.11. 46-year-old为“数词+名词+形容词”构成复合形容词,也可不用连字符号而把名词变为复数形式,即46 years oldIt is a 100-year-old bridge. = It is a 100 years old bridge.12. approach: n&v. 靠近,方法,走近 我们听到火车开过来了。 你知道学习外语的最佳方法吗? 他悄悄地走近那只鸟。 We heard the approach of the train. Do you know the best approach to study a foreign language? He approached the bird quietly.13. But often they just pass by, taking the human traffic signal for granted. taking the human traffic signal 为现在分词作状语,表示伴随情况。 现在分词作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、伴随、方式以及结果等。时间上,一般式表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生或几乎同时发生;语态上,现在分词一般式往往表示主动的,所修饰的人或物是分词的执行者。一听到那个消息,他禁不住大笑起来。(表时间) Hearing the news, he couldnt help laughing.因为穷,他买不起电视 Being poor, he couldnt afford a TV set. (表原因) 动动脑,你就会想出一个好办法。 Using your head, youll find a good way.(表条件) 这个孩子坐在农舍前劈柴。 The boy sat in front of the farm-house , cutting the branch. (伴随)14. take for granted:认为当然,不注意 我认为你想同我们一起去是理所当然的。 他工作太忙,以至于不把回家当回事。 I took it for granted that youd want to come with me.Hes so busy with his job that he takes his family for granted.15. week in and week outweek after week 他躺在床上好几个星期了。He lay in bed week in, week out.语法时态past simple有两个特点,一是表示动作或状态发生在过去,而不是现在,常伴有表示过去的时间状语;二是说话人在心中对动作发生或状态存在的时间是明确的。 1.He was born in 1995.2.When I was a child , I was taken to Shanghai once.past perfect表示动作或状态延续到过去某一时间,通常使用具有延续意义的动词,常带有如by(the end of) +过去某时刻, since, for, when, before等时间状语表示某动作或状态在过去某时之前结束了,但其影响延续至当时,通常使用短暂性动词。1.We had learnt four thousand new words by the end of last year.2. They had no sooner got home than it began to rain.past continuous表示某个时间正在发生、进行的动作。句子常有表示“过去某个时间点”的状语。1.At this moment yesterday, I was packing for camp.2.What were you doing at eight last night?一般过去时与过去进行时的区别 一般过去时表示过去已经发生的动作或存在的状态,强调一种事实或结果;而过去进行时表示过去某时正在持续进行的动作或尚未完成的动作,强调过程。 Mary wrote a letter to her friend last night.Mary was writing a letter to her friend last night一般过去时与过去完成时的区别 一般过去时表示动作发生在过去某时(其时间参照点是现在),而过去完成时则表示动作发生在过去某时之前(其时间参照点是过去)。 They had done the work at five oclock.They did the work at five oclock.【典型例题】1. I _ while reading the English textbook. Luckily, my roommate woke me up in time! (04北京春 34)A. had fallen asleep B. have fallen asleepC. fell asleep D. fall asleep2. I _ you not to move my dictionary now I cant find it. (04 四川 30)A. asked B. askC. was asking D. had asked3. My mind wasnt on what he was saying so Im afraid I _ half of it. (NMET2004 30)A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed4. You havent said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pretty on you.(NMET 2002 23)A. wasnt saying B. dont say C. wont say D. didnt say5. The little girl _ her heart out because she _ her toy bear and believed she wasnt ever going to find it.(02北京 21)A. had cried; lost B. cried; had lost C. has cried; has lost D. cries; has lost 6. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, _ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.(04 北京 28)A. was B. were C. had been D. would be7. I first met Lisa three years ago. She _ at a radio shop at the time.(NMET97 10)A. has worked B. was working C. had been working D. had worked8. Shirley _ a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished it. (NMET98 20)A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing9. Has Sam finish
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