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高二英语同步辅导Unit 7 Living with disease1. 单元分析与学习建议。2. 重要单词短语的用法。 3. 阅读材料中的难点句的解释与分析。知识总结与归纳:(一)单元内容介绍与分析:1. 本单元主题:介绍两种绝症艾滋病和癌症,以及通过两个患者的经历探讨了对疾病的人生态度。2. 学习材料:听力材料:介绍一位疾病防控中心的工作人员的工作情况以及这位医生对自己工作的感受和建议。阅读材料:(1)BORN DYING:介绍了有关艾滋病的概念,传播途径,全世界艾滋病的传播特别是儿童患艾滋病的情况;同时介绍了主人公XiaoHua在身患艾滋病的情况下以乐观的态度帮助艾滋病人的行为和她对生活的态度。(2)DIAGNOSED WITH CANCERTHE DAY MY LIFE EBDEDAND BEGAN!:介绍一位癌症患者在医生的治疗和亲人朋友的帮助下战胜病魔和由此对生活的新认识。3. 语法学习:虚拟条件句,wish / as if 名词性从句(虚拟语气)4. 学习建议:对所学的单词按类别进行归类:如表示感染,传染的词汇:infect; infection, transmit;contract等。(二)重要单词短语的用法,1. infect:传染,感染,常用短语:become infected with:Can people become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV ?2. via:通过,经过,凭借=through, by way ofMedical studies indicate that the AIDS virus cannot be transmitted via the following routes: glasses, swimming pool; mosquitoes; other insects or giving blood.We flew to Athens via Paris.3. persuade:劝说;persuade sb. to do sth.Xiao Hua is trying to change peoples fear by creating a network of patients of doctors that can persuade hospitals and companies to spend more money on AIDS research and education.4. lack:缺少;a lack of.The disease is spreading fast in Africa and parts of Asia, mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention and education. And whats more, the drugs that are available are much too expensive.5. strength:力量,力气,强度;注意比较:power:权力,动力,电力; force:武力。They helped me find the strength I needed to recover and they kept me from feeling sad and lonely.They decided to work out the problem by peace instead of by force.The chairman was forced to resign following a boardroom power struggle.6. on the contrary:正相反Didnt you find the film exciting ?On the contrary, I nearly fell asleep half way through it.注意另一个短语:on the other hand:另一方面。I admire his gifts, but on the other hand I distrust his attitude towards the job.7. for the moment:暂时注意比较以下含moment的短语:at the moment; in a moment; at any momentThe cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment, but I know that I will never be completely free from it.Im very busy at the moment, but Ill do it later.The doctor will be here in a moment.Be careful. He might come back at any moment.8. suffer from:遭受(痛苦,疾病,损失,灾难)The disease is not the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from. They also have to deal with peoples fear of the disease.9. a great many:许多=a good many/ a large number of 后接名词复数。The doctor asked me a great may questions and took samples of my blood.I remember going to London a good many years ago. The information has proved useful to a great many people.10. break down:破坏,分解,崩溃,坏了We had broken down the resistance of the enemy.The police tried to break down the prisoners opposition.The machine will break down if you dont take care of it.The washing machine seems to have broken down again.He has completely broken down in health.Mary broke down tearfully when she was told the death Of her husband.Water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.(三)难点句的解释与分析1. Most people who have AIDS manage to survive only a few years after they get the disease多数得艾滋病人在染病后只能活几年。manage管理,经营,对付,想方设法:He manages a large business for his mother.World affairs should be managed by all countries in the world.I managed to get what I wanted.survive意为:幸存,从中逃出既可作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。另外,survive还有“比活得长”之意,此时是及物动词,必须跟宾语。 2. I remember having an empty feeling in my stomach and thinking that my life was going to end.我记得我当时感到脑子里一片空白,并认为我的生命即将走到尽头。(1)remember doing sth“记得做过某事”。而remember to do sth,“记住去做某事”。I remember posting your letter我记得把你的信寄出去了。You must remember to post my letter on your way home. 你一定要记住在回家的路上把我的信寄出去。(2)to end到了尽头,结束 3. They helped me to find the strength I needed to recover and they kept me from feeling sad and lonely. 他们帮助我建立康复的信心,使我不感到悲伤和孤独。注意比较:keep sb.sth. from doing sth. 与keep sb.sth. doing sth.前者意思是“使某人不做某事”;后者是“使某人做某事”,试比较下列词句。He kept me waiting for a long time.We must do something to keep the roof from falling.Wed better keep the fire burning.We must keep them from getting to know our plans.3. Living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is to take every chance to live life to the fullest.患癌症让我认识到生命的珍贵。及抓住一切机会充实生活是何等重要。living with cancer是个动名词短语作主语 Serving the people heart and soul is our duty. 全心全意为人民服务是我们的职责。Learning English well helps us communicate with other people better .学好英语有助于我们与其他的人更好地交流。(四)注意理解下列条件状语从句和wish后面的宾语从句:1. “I wish I could remember more about my mother and I wish that she were here with me and that we werent sick.” She often said.2. There were days when I wished that I were dead so that I would not have to feel so sick.3. If I were you, I would give an AIDS patient a hug.4. “If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor, helping these pa
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