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讨论午餐食物Cat做的像沙拉一样的食物是什么呢?继续谈论有关吃的一切吧。Nicola: Hi, Cat, that looks like a lovely salad you got there.Cat: Thanks it is. Nicola: What has it got in it?Cat: Um, I cheated and I bought one of those pre-packaged lettuce with herbs and some leftover food from last night, but its good. Its got some couscous and vegetables, some grilled veggies, and then salad and olive oil and vinegar for dressing. Nicola: Ah, so youre a bit of a cook or, I dont know, you enjoy preparing food.Cat: Yeah, I guess so. I wouldnt call myself a cook but I enjoy eating well. Nicola: OK, so do you go out much to eat, or do you kind of stay at home, or?Cat: I cant afford it right now, but I wouldnt mind going out every now and then. Nicola: Lets say if you had a $100 now, and you could go to any restaurant, anywhere in the world, where would you go?Cat: I would go for very expensive sushi. I think. Something good. Nicola: And anything else? What about for dessert?Cat: Oh, I dont know. One of those fancy restaurants and buy a $20 dessert or something like that, if there is such a thing. I dont even know. Creme brulee. Thats one of my favorites. Nicola: Creme brulee! Whats creme brulee?Cat: Well have to ask one of our French friends for that one. Whats that mean? Cream? Creme brulee. I dont know. Its good though. Nicola: Is it ice-creamy or creamy or?Cat: Its got, um, what is it? Its that dish. Its a custard, with a, they put the heat. A hot, like a flare gun. What is it? Its a heat gun over the custard and it makes the sugar harden and then on the inside its all custard. If that makes sense. Its really good. Its nice, though. Nicola: It sounds really good.Cat: Yeah!
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