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同济大学博士生期末考试同济大学博士生期末考试 30 篇阅读理解 第一篇篇阅读理解 第一篇 They say America is parched by a climate of hatred and they do not know what they are talking about but they are right anyway The real hatred in America is the hatred between the desk diner who distinctly ordered the cheeseburger with ketchup not mustard and the mumbling delivery boy who doesn t give a damn Or between the man who needs change for a phone call and the merchant who not only refuses but refuses with a deliberation that suggests he has waited years for precisely this opportunity Ponder the relationship between the man waiting outside a pay phone booth and the man snuggled up inside The dialogue is silent but savage If you like gratitude in unexpected spurts try opening the door of the phone booth when it is yours smiling at the person waiting and saying I ll just be another minute or This call may take a while Sorry to make you wait The impact is as galvanic as if the Vietcong were to wake a sleeping GI patrol and say Fellow we ve just got our radio working Would you like to come over and listen to the superbowl Americans used to ask themselves How nice can I be without seeming ridiculous Now we ask How rude can I be and still get away with it People don t accept apologies anymore They simply enjoy the sweet string of hostility If you want to spread some happiness try hailing the next off duty cab driver whether you want him or not That Cossack brush off he waves you does not betoken apology or regret It is pure thrill People crave triumph and if they cannot get it through personal victory they ll get it through personal viciousness Most people have never known any triumph higher than looking out the window of an express train as it zips past a local Now this actually happened A furious woman with a nasal whine shrill enough to break glassware banged on the door of the apartment above hers and began one of those yelping threat laden routines about shower curtains and seeping water and falling plaster and lawsuits and witnesses and full damage and everything The sleeping man who answered waited until the crescendo peaked then smiled and said How much The woman twitched Her face retained color iridescent in fact and her hands kept flailing but her audios was completely cut off The man went to his coat pull out his checkbook returned to the door and repeated How much The woman went back to her own apartment in defeat She d been robbed of her fun Here she had her whole case unassailably built and the fight was over before she could land one punch 1 According to Paragraph 1 hatred can leave a nation A dried out and unproductive B disorganized C warlike D silent but savage 沉默 但野蛮 2 By enjoying the sweet sting of hostility the author suggests that A most cab drivers approve of Cossacks B sometimes personal viciousness can result in personal triumph 有时是个人 的恶质化可能会导致个人的胜利 C more and more people are finding it more rewarding to be nasty than to be nice D hostility is a conscious reaction to gratitude 3 People don t accept apologies anymore because A acceptance would be a sign of weakness B they are ashamed to do so C most people would rather fight than switch D to reject an apology may give some people a sense of personal triumph 以拒 绝道歉 可能令一些人有意识的个人胜利 4 The tone of the complaining woman Paragraph 8 was A violent and threatening B basically forgiving 基本上宽容 C self righteous D one of confusion 5 The author s attitude is generally A optimistic B pessimistic C tongue in check D constructive 建设性 parch 烤干 parched 炎热的 parchment 羊皮纸 distinct 音标 di sti kt 词典解释 形容词 a 1 与其他不同的 有 区别的 from 2 明显的 清楚的 确定无误的 3 难得的 cheeseburger 音标 t i z b g 词典解释 名词 n 1 夹干酪和碎 牛肉的三明治 mustard 音标 m st d 词典解释 名词 n 1 芥末 芥子 2 芥菜 3 芥末色 深黄色 4 俚 酒等的 热辣劲 热情 例 mumble 音标 m mbl 词典解释 及物动词 vt 1 含糊地说 咕 哝着说 2 抿着嘴嚼 不及物动词 vi 1 含糊地说话 咕哝 名词 delivery 音标 di liv ri 词典解释 名词 n 1 投递 传送 2 交付 交货 3 一次投递 或交付 的邮件 或货物 4 转让 引渡 5 damn 音标 d m 词典解释 及物动词 vt 1 罚 入地狱 2 骂 该死 咒骂 3 指责 骂 一文不值 4 使失败 毁掉 名词 n 1 precisely 音标 pri saisli 词典解释 副词 ad 1 精确地 准确地 2 清晰地 明确地 3 严格地 一丝不苟地 4 刻板地 过分拘泥细节 他们说 美国是一个炎热的气候和仇恨 他们不知道他们在说什么 但无论 如何他们是对的 在美国真正的仇恨是办公桌之间的仇恨 晚餐 谁下令明显的番茄酱汉堡 没有芥末和喃喃送外卖谁不给予该死 该名男子之间谁需要一个电话 谁的 商人不仅拒绝但有审议的建议 他等了几年正是这个机会 拒绝改变 思考之间的工资外电话亭等人与该名男子的关系偶依在里面 这次对话是无 声的 但野蛮 如果你喜欢在意想不到的苗头感谢 尝试打开了电话亭时 是你们的大门 在等待的人微笑着说 我只是一分钟 或 此调用可能需要一段时间 抱 歉让你等待 在电流的冲击 仿佛越共唤醒一个沉睡的地理巡逻 说 各 位 我们只是想让我们的广播电台工作 你想过来 听超级 美国人常常问自己 怎么好我能却好像很荒谬吗 现在我们要问 如何 粗鲁我能 仍然摆脱它 人们不接受道歉了 他们只是享受敌对甜字符串 如果你想散播一些幸福 尝试欢呼下休班出租车司机 是否想要他 这哥萨克刷过他海浪你并不预示 道歉或表示遗憾 它是纯粹的快感 人们都渴望胜利 如果他们无法通过个人的胜利 那么他们将可以通过个人 恶毒了 大多数人从来不知道比望着一个特快列车窗口的任何胜利更高 因 为它过去拉链地方 现在 这个曾经发生过 一个有足够的鼻尖声抱怨愤怒的女子打破上述她的 公寓的门砰地一玻璃器皿 并开始威胁这些 yelping 装满例程对浴帘和渗漏 水和下降石膏和诉讼和证人 全面破坏和一切 在熟睡的男子谁回答等到高潮达到顶峰 然后微笑着说 多少钱 该名女 子抽动 她的脸保留颜色 事实上闪光 和她的手上挥舞 但她的音响完 全切断 该名男子到他的外衣 拿出他的支票簿 回到门口 并重申 多少钱 这 名妇女又回到自己的公寓中失败 她自己被抢走了她的乐趣 在这里 她把 她整个案件 unassailably 建成 战斗已经结束了她之前的土地一拳打 1 根据第 1 款 仇恨可以留下一个民族 甲 干涸和非生产性 乙 混乱 丙 好战 四 沉默 但野蛮 答案 A 2 通过享受 甜蜜的敌对刺 作者建议 a 大多数出租车司机赞同哥萨克 乙 有时是个人的恶质化可能会导致个人的胜利 丙 越来越多的人都发现更有价值的是讨厌比是好的 丁 敌意是一种自觉的反应表示感谢 答案 C 3 人们不接受道歉了 因为 甲 接受将是软弱的表现 乙 他们这样做
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