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死胡同英语怎么说习语:a blind alley讲解:这是一个名词性短语,alley是胡同,小巷的意思。从字面上理解,是“瞎胡同”“死胡同”,引申为“前途暗淡”“行不通”之义。Eg. When he invested in that business, he went up a blind alley.当他投资做那个生意时,他就走上了一条绝路。Eg. Bob did not take the job because it was a blind alley.鲍勃没有接受此职,因为它没有发展前途。英语情景对话:A :Why did Tom quit the job?Tom为什么要辞职?B: He said his present job seemed to be a blind alley.他说目前的工作暗淡。A :If he doesnt change his attitude toward his work, I dont think a new job can make any difference.如果他不改变对工作的态度,即使再换一份新工作也不会有什么变化。英语学习笔记:1.quit a job 辞职Eg. He has a good mind to quit that job.他很想辞去那份工作。Eg. It would be folly to quit your job before finding a new one.在你找到新的工作前就辞职是不明智的。2.change ones attitude to sth 改变对.的态度If you dont change your attitude to your study, your will be sure to go into a blind alley.如果你不改变对学习的态度,你是没有什么前途的。3.make some difference 有些 . 作用或影响, 区别Eg. Flowers make some difference to a room.鲜花没有使房间有所不同。Eg. This is an area where I believe some creative collaborations and partnerships could make a difference.我认为,这是通过某种创造性合作与伙伴关系可以改观的领域。Eg. Now Ive worked on issues like these for a long time, some of them for30 years, and I am determined to make a difference for all of you.长期以来,我一直在为这些问题奔忙,有些问题甚至我已经为之奋斗了30年之久,我决心让这些问题得到改观。
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