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湖北省襄阳市2016-2017学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题(扫描版)2017年7月襄阳市高一调研统一测试英语听力部分录音稿及答案听力材料(Text 1)W: Something is wrong with my car. How can I go to the concert?M: Dont worry. Ill come and pick you up in my car.W: You are always so helpful.(Text2)W: Sir, help! Tell me the way to the nearest hospital. My mother just had a stroke. M: Sorry, Im new here. But let me dial 120 for you. Dont worry.(Text 3)M : The speaker says our ship leaves in twenty - five minutes.W : Oh, its only six - forty now. We can take our time. M: Let me go and buy a magazine for the journey. (Text 4)M: Would you like some more chicken?W: No, its delicious, but Ive had enough. I understand youve become a real cook recently.M: Well, since my wife began working, I decided to help out by making the meals once in a while.(Text 5)M:Was the movie as good as you had expected?W:It was a waste of time and money. We should have stayed at home.M:Why are you so mad about it?It was just a film after all.听6下面一段对话,回答第6, 7题。( Text 6 )W: I hope well have a good flight.M: So do I.I dont like flying.W: Are you going on holiday?M: No, I am travelling on business. Im a salesman. I work for a computer company.W: How interesting!M: And you?W: I am a physicist. I am going to give some lectures.M: Really? In English?W: Yes, of course.M: Would you like to have a drink?W: No, thank you.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。( Text7 )M: I got a part-time job at the supermarket! W: Oh! Congratulations! How many hours will you work?M: Three hours a day and six days a week. W: Are you sure you can handle it? What about your homework?M: Im doing all right in the school. Im sure I can handle it!W: Dear, how much do they pay?M: Minimum wage to start. Please say yes, I really need the money.W: Well, its up to you, but tell your father about it.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。(Text 8)W:How did you feel the first time you spoke English to a foreigner?M:Nervous. I felt very nervous.W:Why did you feel nervous?M:That was many years ago in New York City,I was asking a man in the street how to get to the nearest station. I was worried that I might not be able to make myself understood. So I said every word slowly and clearly.W:Did he understand you?M:He nodded and smiled,but did not reply. So I repeated even more slowly what I had said.W:Did he reply this time?M:Yes,he said slowly and clearly,Sorry,InoEnglish.请听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。(Text 9)W: You wont believe what happened to me yesterday!M: What happened to you?W: I woke up at seven thirty in the morningM: Seven thirty? So early? I mean.W: Yes. But listen up. I had breakfast and went to my car, right? Well, the car didnt start. So I walked all the way to Baker Street to take a taxi.M. A taxi? On Sunday morning ? Did you find one?W: Of course not. So I took the bus.M: But I dont understand. Where did you want to go?W: To work. Well, I only remembered it was Sunday when I arrived at the office and no one was there. I went back home and guess what? I didnt have my keys with me. There was no choice but to break one of the windows to get in.M: Oh. Its funny.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。( Text 10 )Welcome to our exhibition on The Home in History. Our purpose is to show that the design of a home tells us something about society of the past. There is no better place to start,I think,than in that center of family life the kitchen. If you will,please follow me. The first kitchen,in our exhibition is probably a little bigger than your own. You can see its a big room with a high ceiling and large worktables. There is a huge stove to the left. Food could be cooked for hundreds of people at one time. It took about 25 people to prepare a meal here. And this particular kitchen dates back to the early 1800s.It is not an example of the ordinary family kitchen,but it does give us some ideas of the kinds of kitchens that were common in the home of some people at that time. Can you point out some of the special characteristics of the design?参考答案听力110 CCBAA BBCBA 11 20 ACCAB CAACB阅读:21-25 DBCCA 26- 30 ADBCA 31- 35 BABCD 36- 40 FEGDA完形:41-45 CABBC 46-50 ADCAB 51-55 DCBAD 56-60 ADCDB语法填空:填空题,单词拼写、大小写错误等都0分;61. As; 62. probably; 63. height; 64. falling; 65. be heard;66. to ; 67.to come; 68. The; 69. while; 70. tomatoes短文改错:71. 去掉it72. originally 改为original73. had 改为have74. that 改为whether /if75. help 前加the76. improve改为 improved77. tells改为 tell78. friend改为friends79. as 改为like80. here 改为there短文改错只改前10处错,从第11处不计分,错误标记格式不正确0分。短文写作Dear Peter, How is it going? Congratulations on your chance to enter the interview stage for volunteers wanted by the local museum. Here are some suggestions, which I hope will help you stand out.The first thing you should keep in mind is to arrive on time, for being punctual shows your appreciation of others time. Secondly, dre
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