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Book 5 Unit 5 First aid 综合能力测试第卷第二部分英语知识运用第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Dont forget to take a breath of _ fresh air and do some exercise each day. It will make _ difference. A. 不填;aB. the;aC. 不填;theD. a;the 22. Sally has just come back fromabroad. What about getting together for a drink? _.A. Its my pleasureB. Thats a great ideaC. Its very kind of youD. Thats all right23. Tims behaviour at the party last night seemed rather _, which made his parents very satisfied with him. A. in placeB. in his placeC. out of placeD. in the first place24. If you go shopping along with me, Ill treat you _ an ice cream. A. asB. forC. toD. with25. His parents flew there in order that they could be in time to attend his graduation _. A. congratulationB. celebrationC. occasionD. ceremony 26. These oranges look a little dry, but some orange juice may be able to be _. A. picked outB. squeezed outC. given outD. left out27. Tom is in great pain because he had a fall and his sprained ankle is already starting to _. A. swellB. charC. blisterD. stab28. What is Tom doing now? He is applying himself _ French at present. A. for learningB. to learnC. to learningD. in learning 29. You can consider finding a(n) _ job until you decide what kind of job you really want to do. A. complexB. temporaryC. firmD. unbearable30. I remember that you have given me the book, but I cant _ my hands on it at the moment. A. takeB. keepC. putD. have31. That old woman held her cat _ for fear that someone might take it away from her. A. mildly B. casually C. tightly D. stiffly32. _ pictures were taken when he showed us around that famous university. A. The number ofB. A number ofC. A great deal ofD. An amount of33. Unless _ to speak, you shouldremain silent at the conference. A. having invitedB. inviteC. being invitedD. invited 34. What made me angry was not what they said but _ they said it. A. in the way thatB. the way whichC. in the wayD. the way35. There is some doubt _ John will come here on time. A. whetherB. thatC. whyD. when第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)One day, a woman with tears came up to me. I 36 to calm her down and asked what the 37 was. She showed me a prescription(处方) note from a hospital. I concluded that it was a(n) 38 with which people cheated others and got some money. On any given day, I would just 39 ignore it. When I looked straight in her eyes, I could 40 the sincerity and the frustration of trying to get a 41 for someone. I imagined 42 it was my mother running around the streets at night and convincing people that she was telling the truth but no one 43 her.“My daughter needs to get a tube, but I dont have any 44 ,” the woman said.I asked how much the tube was. Then she showed me the receipt (收据) and it 45 2,700 pesos! I handed her 100 pesos and told her that it was all that I could give. She 46 me and went around the other people. I saw some people draw out some money 47 .After a few minutes, I got 48 when she came back to me. She took all the money she had asked from 49 from her pocket, her hands 50 . “Sir, I need 680 pesos more. Could you 51 some? ” she begged. When I looked 52 her eyes, I saw the sincerity and frustration again. I told her to give me the prescription note and went around other people. I 53 donations of 680 pesos from different people in less than 20 minutes!What did it take me to 54 a life today? 100 pesos and less than 20 minutes of pure 55 .36. A. agreedB. wanted C. managed D. started37. A. problem B. detail C. news D. accident38. A. experimentB. mystery C. story D. trick39. A. finally B. exactly C. totally D. directly40. A. touch B. feel C. smell D. taste41. A. position B. medicine C. hand D. treatment42. A. what if B. what for C. as if D. even though43. A. believedB. cheatedC. pitiedD. helped44. A. moneyB. friend C. method D. relative 45. A. wrote B. saidC. toldD. talked46. A. pleasedB. begged C. thanked D. asked47. A. as before B. madly C. sadly D. as well48. A. happyB. angry C. bored D. surprised49. A. teachers B. doctors C. passengersD. strangers50. A. shaking B. waving C. clapping D. lifting51. A. wasteB. addC. make D. pay52. A. aroundB. intoC. afterD. through53. A. chose B. received C. collectedD. researched54. A. create B. cureC. saveD. lose55. A. advice B. fun C. argument D. talk第卷第三部分阅读理解One cold, rainy night in 1979, staying on the deck of the nuclear attack submarine (核攻击潜艇) USS Birmingham (SSN-695)
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