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2011届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高一册 Unit 3 .单词拼写1I cant have you _(处理) the situation in that way.2On this _(特别的) day, all the students were required to wear school uniforms.3Its important for us to _(体验) nature.4He is a man full of _(冒险)5Who should be _(负责) for this accident?The driver in the yellow car.6Our school has been given some new _(设备)7Our city was struck by the heavy flood. With the help of the government, everything returned to _(正常) quickly.8Hearing the exciting news we were in a state of _(兴奋)9Every passenger on _(在船上) was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened to the ship.10Which is the quickest means of _(运输) to get there?The railway.答案1handle2.particular3.experience4.adventures5responsible6.equipment7.normal8.excitement9board10.transportation.完成句子(湖北专用)1On New Years Eve, the president will appear _(现场直播), delivering a speech to all the people.(live)2I want _(向她道歉) for not going to her party.(apology)3These photos make me think of the days _(我们学习) together.(study)4_(正如我们所料), he won the game.(expect)5The men sat around the stove, _(互相开玩笑)(joke)6He was such a good child that all the people who knew him _(高度评价) him.(think)7A question _(在会上提出) as to the childrens right then.(raise)8He always _(归功于) his friends that he becomes successful at length.(owe)9The old temple we visited last month _(给我留下很深印象)(make)10His school reports said that he is always ready _(接受挑战)(challenge)答案1live on the air2to make an apology to her3when we studied4As we had expected5playing jokes on each other6thought highly of7was raised at the meeting8owes it to9made a deep impression on(upon) me10to accept a challenge.单项填空1On the one hand, of course, cars are very useful. But _, they cause a huge amount of pollution.A. for anotherB. in the other handC. on the other D. on another hand2In Hangzhou Mr. Green was so struck by _ beauty of _ nature that he stayed for another night.A. /; / B. /; theC. the; / D. the; the3For Tim this was the beginning of a new life, _ he thought he would never see.A. what B. thatC. one D. it4He is wearing sun glasses to _ his eyes from strong sunlight.A. keep B. get awayC. take care D. protect5As soon as I was on _, I began to have second thoughts about leaving.A. abroad B. broadC. aboard D. board6The mother as well as her children _ watching TV and the father does _.A. like; as well B. like; soC. likes; as well as D. likes; as well7Could I use your dictionary?Yes, _.A. you could B. by all meansC. youve got it D. Im using it myself8How are you getting to the airport? Is anybody _ you off?A. taking B. showingC. seeing D. giving9You will be successful in the interview _ you have confidence.A. before B. onceC. until D. though10He thought it _ great experience as he enjoyed the beauties of _ nature.A. /; the B. the; /C. a; / D. a; the11The athlete showed his thanks to many people, to his parents _ after winning the match.A. in a word B. in particularC. in return D. in general12If you want to do the experiment again, youd better be more careful _ you made a mistake.A. when B. whyC. where D. that13What are you going to do this evening?We are considering _ and it is considered _ a good idea.A. going swimming; to beB. to go swimming; beingC. going swimming; beingD. to go swimming; to be14Did you walk to school this morning?No, we went by bus _.A. instead of feet B. instead walkingC. instead of on foot D. instead on foot15(2010安徽第一次联考)Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer a trip in a small town to _ in so large a city as New York.A. this B. oneC. it D. that答案1C。“另一方面”用于举出相反的观点时,应用on the other hand,也可以说on the other。选项B、D表达不正确。for one thing.for another“一则再则”,用来说明、陈述原因或理由。2C。nature意为“大自然,自然”时前面不用冠词,故排除B、D项;the beauty of nature“大自然的美”,表特指,故C项正确。3C。句意:对吉姆来说,这是他新生活的开始,一种他认为从未经历过的开始。one在这里作同位语,后为其定语从句。4D。句意:他戴上太阳镜以免太阳光把眼睛晒伤。protect.from.“保护免遭受”。5D。形近词的辨析。abroad“在国外地”;broad“宽阔的”;aboard是介词,它的意思相当于on board.6D。考查as well as及as well的用法以。as well as连接主语时,谓语动词的数要与前一主语保持一致,因此第一个空用likes。第二个空用as well,作副词,意为“也,同样”。7B。by all means用于交际用语中表示非常肯定的场合,意思是“当然可以,没问题”。8C。从题意可知,答案非C莫属。9B。句意:在面试中,当你有了信心,你就会成功的。once相当于when和as soon as“一旦;当的时候;一就”。;until常用于not.until结构中;though“尽管;虽然”;语意不正确。10C。本题考查冠词的用法。名词experience在表示“经历”的意思时,为可数名词。名词nature“自然”前不使用冠词。11B。本题考查介词短语。句意:这位运动员在获胜之后,向许多人表示感谢,特别是他的父母。in particular相当于particularly。12C。本题考查状语
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