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海南中学2020年第一学期期终考试高一英语笔试试题(1-20班用)第一节 单项填空(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. -I am so happy that John now enjoys big parties.-Really? He used to in front of strangers.A. to host; be shy B. hosting; being shyC. hosting; be shy D. to host; being shy2. She agreed us, so we agreed the project atlast.A. to; with B. with; in C. with; on D. to; on3. Great attention must to education, especially education in the countryside.A. pay B. be paid C. paid D. be paying4. The FIFA World Cup is an event which many football teams compete each other.A. in; for B. for; with C. in; with D. for; against5. Thirty computers have been sent to the school some other new teaching equipment.A. in addition B. in addition to C. such as D. more than6. I dont think little money that he earns can support such _ big family.A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a7. I would appreciate it you call back this afternoon for the doctors appointment.A. until B. if C. when D. that8. water will make the fish in the pond .A. Polluting; die away B. Being polluted; die offC. Polluted; die out D. Pollution; die down9. Perhaps he is not quite fit for the job, but , please let him have a try.A. in fact B. anyway C. so D. otherwise10. We have reached a point _ a change is needed.A. when B. with which C. why D. where11. She spent a happy afternoon her coins and stamps she had collected those years.A. to look for B. worked onC. sorting out D. watch over12. Would you please keep silent? The weather report and I want to listen.A. is broadcast B. is being broadcastC. has been broad cast D. had been broadcast13. It is time for us to the party and set off.A. break out B. break downC. break away D. break up14. The accident on my way to school me taking the exam yesterday.A. prevented B. kept C. protected D. saved15. No decision about any future appointment until all the candidates(应试者) have been interviewed.A. will be made B. is madeC. is being made D. has been made第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABCD)中,选出可以填入空白的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。In the first week after arriving in the new city for further study, I fell and broke my leg. I was really 16 by the kindness of my new roommate. “We are family now,” she said when she 17 me lying in my room with a swollen(浮肿的) 18 , unable to move. She took me to the nearest 19 by taxi to get my leg examined. The driver was so 20 that we arrived there very quickly. After that, my 21 didnt stop helping me though I told her I could do things on my own.So many blessings(幸事) I had never 22 came to me when I was alone and helpless. Bus drivers picked me up 23 anywhere they saw me. Many people 24 the door for me. Such things were small but 25 for a person on walking sticks.26 peoples kindness, I did whatever I could to make people 27 . I made many jokes about my two 28 and the bad fall. And I tried not to 29 even a single time about what had happened. I also tried to be kind to 30 students who were injured. I took time to 31 with a girl in a wheelchair who always ate lunch alone.I soon realized that pain can be 32 by mental (精神上的) power. I could see that 33 I was using physical sticks, there were hundreds of mental sticks I could depend on. I also saw that sometimes 34 situations could be good. Einstein once said, “You can live your life seeing nothing as a miracle( 奇迹 ) 35 seeing everything as a miracle.”16. A. amazed B. saved C. loved D. supported17. A. heard B. left C. found D. remembered18. A. head B. stomach C. arm D. leg19. A. museum B. hospital C. playground D. library20. A. patient B. angry C. nice D. funny21. A. driver B. doctor C. family D. roommate22. A. listed B. expected C. given D. accepted23. A. before B. from C. through D. with24. A. cleaned B. moved C. opened D. guarded25. A. hard B. rare C. easy D. weak26. A. Instead of B. In place of C. Except for D. In return for27. A. believe B. laugh C. talk D. think28. A. hands B. books C. sticks D. stories29. A. complain B. advise C. miss D. enjoy30. A. both B. no C. other D. few31. A. study B. discuss C. practise D. eat32. A. reduced B. seen C. caused D. doubted33. A. since B. because C. whether D. although34. A. boring B. unpleasant C. dangerousD. tiring35. A. and B. so C. but D. or第三节 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AHe wasnt sick. He wasnt old. And he wasnt losi
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