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标题:流感疫苗助长出生体重(1/2)一句话简介:新研究表明,在流感季节注射流感疫苗的孕妇所产婴儿出生体重高于其他的新生儿。Hints:BangladeshMark SteinhoffCincinnatiOhioChildrens Hospital正文:A new study conducted in Bangladesh finds that pregnant women who get vaccinated against influenza are less likely to have low birth weight babies. And the benefits for the baby can last a lifetime. In this study, 340 pregnant women were randomly assigned to get either a flu vaccination or another vaccine. If the period after vaccination did not include the flu season, the newborn babies weighed about the same, regardless of which vaccine their mother received. But study author Mark Steinhoff of the Cincinnati, Ohio, Childrens Hospital says that during the influenza season, the women who got the flu vaccine came down with the flu less than half as often as the women who got the other vaccine, and their babies were born at a healthier weight.If the mother got the vaccine and was exposed to influenza, the babies weighed 200 grams more - 3.1 kilos versus 2.9 kilos. And that is a substantial increase in birth weights.翻译:孟加拉国的一项新研究表明,接受过流感疫苗的孕妇更可能产下体重偏高的婴儿,并且使婴儿获益终生。 在该项研究中,对340位孕妇随机分配注射流感疫苗或是其他疫苗。 如果接种疫苗后的时期并没有出现流感季节,那不管孕妇接受的是何种疫苗,初生婴儿的体重还是属于正常标准。 但是俄亥俄州辛辛那提市儿童医院的研究者马克称,如果遇上流感季节,接种流感疫苗的孕妇染上流感的几率,只有接种其他疫苗孕妇的一半都不到,并且前者的婴儿出生体重更健康。“如果孕妇接种过流感疫苗恰好遇上流感,出生婴儿体重要比其它婴儿重200克。两者的体重分别是3.1千克和2.9千克。这在婴儿出生体重方面是一个大量的增长。”2用心 爱心 专心
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