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Module4 Which English 综合运用巩固案. 单句语法填空1. Australia is one of _ youngest nations in the world.2. The first English speakers _(arrive) little more than 200 years ago.3. Most of them were prisoners _(send) there to work.4. The English speakers found a people _ had been living in Australia for more than 50,000 years.5. A customer came up to the author_ (hold) a copy of the book and said Emma Chissit.6. Australian English comes _(direct) from English spoken in Britain.7. Sentences in Singlish often end _ the world lah.8. The variety has been influenced in particular by Malay and the Chinese dialect Hokkien (language spoken in Minnan), both in _(grammar) features and vocabulary.9. International organizations and businesses communicate _ each other in English.10. But a new pattern of using English is developing that does not look the same to native speakers _ “traditional” English.11. Researchers are now investigating “non-native” English _ is a new form of the language with changes in grammar, pronunciation and meaning.12. All of those _(process) are a form of natural evolution.13. New dialects acquire their own complex features _ they become real languages in their own right.14. The dilemma is_(know) which are explicit, which are figurative, and why they are relevant to an everyday situation.15. With friends like these, who needs enemies? _(mean) a friend has betrayed your trust or let you down. 单句改错1. You could say that there are as much varieties of English.2. Pronunciation, as well grammar and vocabulary, can change very quickly from one area to another.3. Sentence in Singlish often end with the word lah.4. Idioms are picturesque or absurd expressions conveyed a concept which is different from the literal meaning.5. For example, When in the Rome, do as the Romans do suggests you should adapt to local conditions.完成句子1.He spreads his arms out _(似乎)to hold the whole world.他张开双臂,似乎要拥抱这个世界。2. You must _ (开始认真做)your studies this year.你今年要好好学习。3. She cant _(抵抗住开玩笑)about his boldness.她禁不止开他秃头的玩笑。4. I dont _(同意)students wearing make-up.我不赞同学生化妆。5. What he did really _ me_. (让我失望).他的所作真得让我很失望。6. I am_ (相信)of his honesty.我相信他是诚实的。写作1. 与英语语言相关的词汇:recognizable能辨认出的,dialect 方言,intonation 语调,unique独一无二的,rhythm节奏,figurative比喻的,relevant相关的,concept概念,convey传达,tone语气2. 请使用本模块所学单词和短语写一种你喜欢的英语种类。
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