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英语口语自学教材,一片通美语初级口语单词1200个,第89课。feel动词 感觉, 触摸, 试探.Take this medicine. You will feel better soon.吃下这个药, 你很快就会感觉好一些.名词 感觉, 触觉.Your neck looks strange, let me have a feel.你的脖子看起来怪怪的, 让我摸摸看 (感觉一下).feet名词 脚, 足, 英尺. (foot 的复数)Look, your feet have gotten dirty.看, 你的 (双) 脚脏了.He is almost six feet tall.他几乎有六英尺 (的身) 高.food名词 食物, 食品.Beef is my favorite food.牛肉是我特别喜爱的食物.I like to eat fresh food.我喜欢吃新鲜的食物.foot名词 脚, 足, 英尺.Some of the students went by bus, and others on foot.有些学生是搭公车去, 有些学生是 (用脚) 走路去.动词 步行.We have missed the last bus, so we have to foot it.我们错过了最后一班公车, 所以只好用走路的.goat名词 山羊.Can you tell a sheep from a goat?你能够分辨绵羊和山羊吗?A goat is about the size of a sheep.山羊和绵羊的体型差不多大.3
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