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(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).多项填空1You know Eric,if he wont eat or sleep,its a sure_that he is in love again.Asignificance BinfluenceCsign Devent【解析】sign 迹象;征兆。句意为:你是了解埃里克的,如果他不想吃饭和睡觉,那就表明他一定又在谈恋爱了。significance 意义; influence影响; event 事件。【答案】C2Toronto is the epicenter (震中)of the biggest_of SARS outside of Asia,with 33 deaths reported so far.Aoutbreak BoutcomeCoutlet Doutline【解析】outbreak 突然发生,爆发,句意为:在亚洲以外,多伦多是SARS爆发的震中,据报道,至今有32人死亡。outcome 结果; outlet 出口;outline纲要。【答案】A3The company,more_known as OGS,is facing problems after an article in a recent issue of the Lancet.Afundamentally BbasicallyCobviously Dcommonly【解析】commonly 通常,一般地。句意为:大家都叫OGS这家公司,因最近发表在Lancet 的一篇文章而面临麻烦。fundamentally 基础地; basically 根本地;基本地; obviously 明显地。【答案】D4The hotel, situated only 300 meters from the beach and within easy reach of plenty of bars,restaurants and shops,is_enough for your business interviews.Ashabby BnoisyCelegant Dhuge【解析】elegant 优雅的。句意为:这家宾馆离海滩只有300米,附近有很多酒吧,饭馆和商店,很优雅,适合商务洽谈。shabby 破旧的; noisy 嘈杂的;huge 巨大的。【答案】C5As the result of the_,the diplomatic ties between the two countries were severed.Aincident BaccidentCevent Doccurrence【解析】incident(伴随大事情而来)小事或突发事情;accident有损失或伤亡的事情;event重大事件;occurrence任何事件的发生。【答案】A6The city has decided to _smoking.Ado away with Btake awayCget away with Dput away【解析】此句意为“该市决定禁止吸烟”。do away with废除;干掉;take away拿走;夺去;get away with侥幸避开(责任,惩罚);put away把收起来;储存备用。【答案】A7Oil companies in the US are already beginning to feel the pressure.Refinery workers and petroleumequipmentmanufacturing employees are being_.Alaid out Blaid offClaid down Dlaid aside【解析】句意为“美国的石油公司已经开始感到压力。炼油工人和石油设备制造工人正在被解雇”。只有选项B符合题意。【答案】B8Some government leaders_their power to get illegal profits for themselves.Aoccupy BtakeCabuse Dhold【解析】abuse ones power 滥用权力。【答案】C9Hard work and lack of sleep has_her beauty and youth in recent years.Aworn out Btried outCmade out Dsent out【解析】考查动词短语辨析。wear out磨损,使厌烦;try out实验;make out理解,明白;send out发出,出发。句意为:近几年来的艰辛劳动和缺乏睡眠使她不再那么年轻美丽了。【答案】A10The Medical Research Council said it could not_the use of the new drug without further tests.Aapprove BevaluateCconsult Dadopt【解析】approve批准,同意,符合题意。evaluate评估; consult咨询;adopt接受,采纳。【答案】A.完成句子11Without money,I have nothing to do but_(辍学)(drop)【答案】drop out school12Lets get down to work,_(行吗)?(we)【答案】shall we13_(天气允许的话),well show the guests around the farm.(permit)【答案】Weather permitting/ If weather permits14As late as last week,he still had not given his permission,and insisted that I_(不参加) the activity.(join)【答案】(should) not join in15Id love to go on a holiday,but I_(抽不出时间)(afford)【答案】cant afford the time16Our families as well as our town_(发生了很大变化) in the past twenty years.(change)【答案】have greatly changed17It was two years ago,when I came to Paris for the first time,_(我开始) learn painting .(begin)【答案】that I began18He can keep practicing football as long as he_(答应努力学习) in the future.(promise)【答案】promises to study hard19Never_(他感到绝望),even if there was no penny in his pocket.(hopeless)【答案】did he feel hopeless20_(如果我收到你的来信),I would have replied to you two days ago.(hear)【答案】 Had I heard from you/ If I had heard from you.完形填空I didnt cry when I learned I was the parent of a mentally handicapped (弱智的) child.“Go ahead and cry,”the doctor_21_kindly.But I couldnt cry then nor during the months that followed.We sent her to a kindergarten in our neighborhood at age seven.I worried that she was the “_22_” child among twenty fiveyearolds._23_,positive things began to happen to Kristi in her school,and to her schoolmates,too.When talking big of their own accomplishments,Kristis classmates always took_24_to praise her as well,“Kristi got all her spelling words right today.”No one would say that her spelling list was easier than anyone elses.During Kristis second year in school,she_25_a very special challenge.The big public event of the term was a_26_based on the final outcome of the years music and physical education activities.Kristi was_27_in both.My husband and I felt_28_about the day as well.On the day of the program,Kristi_29_to be sick.Desperately I wanted to keep her home.Why let Kristi fail in a gymnasium_30_with parents,students and teachers? What a simple_31_!But I finally got her onto the school bus.Just as I had forced my daughter to go to school,now I forced myself to go,too.Then I knew Kristis_32_.Her class was divided into relay
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