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必修 Unit11 The Media高考对接题.完形填空Sometimes,when I look at the pile of school books and my reflection(影像)in the mirror,I sigh.No,its not because of unhappiness,just the realization that everythings going so1.It seemed like yesterday.I was still a little girl in 7th Grade.But being a freshman looks2enough to touch,if I reach out my hand.I can almost feel the responsibilities,the burdens of growing up,pressing against my shoulders.Yes,Im still a3in many ways.I do not want to grow up and actually Im fighting against it.But I know it is a losing 4.And as I have realized that I come to the5where I have to6what I want to do with my life.What I never told anyone was that I want the7life:I want to go to the university only tenminutes walk away,to be 8my family and friends,to get a job in this city.I want to live with my parents (I cant remember the last time I called them mommy and daddy) and be a little girl9.You see,being ordinary is all very10.I like being ordinary most times,but I like being exceptional(杰出的)more.What I do not want is to become one of those people whose11have been washed away by time.I do not want to be someone who lives every day12about the next days salary,someone whose highlight is to have a good table for poker(扑克),someone who can say13when a child asks for a life story.As boring as life stories are,isnt it14to have nothing to tell?This is my life story15,and I hope I have more to tell in the future.1.A.fastB.strangeC.difficult D.wrong解析:从下文的It seemed like yesterday可知作者感觉时光如梭,过得飞快。答案:A2.A.wonderful B.likely C.soon D.close解析:从本句可知,伸手可及的地方当然是“近”了。答案:D3.A.pupil B.loser C.child D.fighter解析:从下一句可知自己还小。答案:C4.A.battle B.dream C.goal D.wonderland解析:众所周知人长大是自然规律,因此和这一规律抗争,自然就是打不赢的战斗。答案:A5.A.conclusion B.point C.place D.limit解析:从行文来看,表明我已经意识到我已到了必须决定如何过好这一生的境地了。答案:B6.A.think B .decide C.know D.tell解析:从下一段可知这里是“做出决定”的意思。答案:B7.A.ordinary B.comfortable C.easy D.great解析:整个一段描述的都是作者对生活的看法只要普普通通的生活。答案:A8.A.around B.near C.beside D.for解析:上文说想上离家步行仅需10分钟路的大学,下文说要在本市找一份工作,可以推知是该空应该是距家人和朋友很近。答案:B9.A.then B.instead C.forever D.otherwise解析:不想离开自己的父母,那就只好“永远”做小孩子了。答案:C10.A.well B.simple C.right D.natural解析:下文中的I like being ordinary most times可知这里是说普普通通地生活不错。答案:A11.A.stories B.dreams C.interests D.news解析:人的理想随着时间的推移渐渐地消失了,我却不想如此平凡,照应了上面的话。答案:B12.A.worrying B.caring C.setting D.complaining解析:挣钱养家糊口正是普通人的生活。答案:A13.A.no B.nothing C.something D.such解析:因为普普通通,因此以后孩子问起自然没有什么故事可讲了。答案:B14.A.sad B.right C.silly D.funny解析:虽然生活是平凡的,但没有故事可说是不是也是一种悲哀?答案:A15. A.in fact B.after all C.so far D.in all解析:这是我目前所能讲述的自己的故事,希望以后会更加精彩。答案:C.阅读理解A(2010济南第二次统考)Do you every run out of great books to read?So what should I read next?Is fastpaced crime fiction your thing?Try the new book,Scarpetta (Patricia Cornwell Putnam).She is such an able writer and handles complex forensic (法庭的) intelligence with ease.You need to be prepared,though,for the world youre enteringthis isnt for the faint of heart,lets say.If peace is more your thing,try Mary Piphers wonderful new book,Seeking Peace:Chronicles of the Worst Buddhist in the World (Riverhead).Mary is a lovely,comfortable writer who takes the reader through her personal awakening after reputation and fortune came her way.Even if youve never experienced life as a bestselling writer (as she has done,in her book years back,Reviving Ophelia),youll totally understand and sympathize with her renewed need for privacy,distance and quiet.What if you want a straightforward,totally thrilling read with vivid characters,set about World War ?You cannot go wrong with Jim Lehrers new novel,Oh,Johnny(Random House),about a young marine whose life is changed forever when he meets a woman on his way to war.His relationship with her lasts him through danger and hardship,and theres an impressive ending.See our interview with the productive novelist/newsman in the current issue of Readers Digest (March,on stands now),by the way,for insight into the very talented Mr.Lehrer and what interests him.Well,what about something wickedly funny and totally offbeat?Does the name Carrie Fisher do anything for you?Try her vivid and new life in Hollywood and elsewhere,Wishful Drinking (Simon & Schuster).Be prepared for humor as sharp as knives.语篇解读:书是人类不可缺少的精神食粮,如果你恰巧没有书可读了,就看看下面这则广告推荐的哪部书合你的胃口吧!1.In which column will you probably find the above passage?A.Advice
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