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Sandstorms in AsiaI. 单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)1. As it is getting close to the Spring Festival, the _ in the street becomes more and more delightful.A. air B. atmosphere C. environment D. surrounding2. Must I fetch the book for you now? No, you neednt. Its not _. I can wait till tomorrow.A. anxious B. instant C. hurried D. urgent3. If you want help money or anything, let me know, _ you?A. dont B. will C. shall D. do4. New ways have been found to prevent the river _.A. not to be polluted B. against pollutingC. from polluting D. from being polluted5. She _ her notes before the examination and tried to recite some important points.A. looked for B. looked up C. looked through D. looked into6. When I saw her, she was giving _ books to the children in the classroom.A. off B. up C. away D. out7. They pushed with all their _, but the car didnt move even a stones throw.A. strength B. force C. power D. right8. Have you any letters _? No, thanks.A. to type B. to be typedC. to be typing D. typed9. Why didnt you arrive yesterday? Oh, sorry. We _ the fog and the plane was delayed.A. were caught on B. were caught in C. caught in D. caught on10. Cant you see youre not leaving enough space? Go away! You have no rights to force me! I wont do it! _ no!A. In all B. After all C. In a nutshell D. For short11. Our school basketball team is going to _ some new players, so we hope you sign your names on the list if you are interested.A. take in B. draw on C. give in D. bring out12. The workers do nothing but _ tea and talk to each other.A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. are drinking13. Why are you driving so slowly? _. I cant see anything. Theres sand everywhere.A. I have no idea B. It couldnt be worseC. Its extremely serious D. I think youre absolutely right14. Was it _ she said or something that she did _ you were angry at so much?A. what; that B. that; which C. that; what D. what; which15. Tom is said _ a new machine for our company, but I dont know when he will finish it.A. to design B. to be designingC. to have been designing D. to have designed第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Have you seen a sandstorm? I would like to share with you my personal _16_ of the sandstorm in northern China. On April 7, 2020, we decided to _17_ a city of Jilin Province. It was supposed to be four hours drive from the place where we lived. We _18_ at about 7:00 only to see the most amazing _19_ we had ever seen. The sky was _20_ as if it was midnight. The _21_ from the few cars that dared travel in the streets were yellowish. So we had to stay at home, _22_ for a better condition for our trip.The wind was fairly _23_ and might have been stronger at night _24_ we woke up. The visibility(能见度) at this point was close to 20 m. About two hours later the _25_ increased to 50 m and stayed so 26 about 10:00 am.When the dust lifted(消散) a little and the visibility _27_ to 200 m, we decided to drive out. However, everybody on the road was enveloped in thick frog with dust and the sky glowed with a dark _28_ color, so we hardly see each other _29_. Sometimes, the wind suddenly _30_ up a lot of dust and sand and the visibility occasionally decreased to 20-50 m, making it very _31_ to drive.The dust _32_ in the air until the late afternoon when it slightly lifted. At last, we arrived at the city, but the trip that _33_ took about four hour, took us nearly eight hours. The dust remained in the _34_ for about two more days. On the third day a short period of rain _35_ as the cold front passed the region. So the terrible scene came to an end, and everything took on a lively and fresh appearance again.16. A. experience B. record C. idea D. action17. A. leave B. visit C. call D. see18. A. woke up B. sat up C. set off D. left off19. A. storm B. snow C. rain D. wind20. A. dark B. bright C. blue D. cold21. A. walls B. glass C. covers D. lights22. A. leaving B. waiting C. taking D. calling23. A. strong B. faint C. weak D. soft24. A. after B. when C. before D. while25. A. speed B. power C. strength D. visibility26. A. since B. before C. when D. until27. A. increased B. reduced C. decreased D.
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