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二语词汇习得论文:二语词汇习得的认知路线【中文摘要】语言学家 Zimmerman(1997)认为,词汇学习对于语言学习者而言应处于中心地位,作用最为关键。词汇量的大小影响着外语学习者的语言能力和水平,而如何有效地学习和记忆大量的词汇一直是外语学习者面临的一大难题。词汇学习策略是语言学习策略中的重要部分,研究表明正确地使用词汇学习策略能有效的提高词汇学习的效果,对于二语词汇的教与学都有极大的研究和实用价值。在过去的几十年里二语词汇的教与学日益受到重视。国外的很多学者都对二语词汇学习策略进行了多方面的研究,提出了各自的理论框架以及策略分类。一些学者从认知心理学的角度来分析和解释二语词汇习得,将学习者的词汇学习认知过程融入他们的词汇学习策略分类中,并展开了相应的实证研究。最近几年在大学英语实行分级教学的背景下,如何提高英语水平较低的学生词汇学习的效率成为英语词汇教学急需探讨的问题。然而,国内的研究者更多地关注善学者的词汇学习策略,针对英语水平较低的学生进行的词汇实证研究还不多,从认知心理学的角度来进行二语词汇习得的研究就更少了。鉴于此,笔者以自己所教的嘉兴学院大学英语 B班的十名非英语专业学生为调查对象,从认知心理学的角度出发,进行了词汇量测试和词汇学习.【英文摘要】Vocabulary is central to language and words are of critical importance to the typical language learners (Zimmerman 1997). Given the importance of vocabulary to learning a language, there has been an increasing interest in second/foreign language vocabulary learning and teaching in the last decades.Vocabulary size plays a key role in language learning. To remember a huge number of new words both in forms and meanings is a task of great difficulty for most language learners to learn a second/foreign langu.【关键词】二语词汇习得 词汇学习认知过程 词汇学习策略 词汇量测试 大学英语 B班学生【英文关键词】L2 vocabulary acquisition vocabulary learning strategies cognitive processes of vocabulary acquisition vocabulary levels test B level students【索购全文】联系 Q1:138113721 Q2:139938848【目录】二语词汇习得的认知路线 Acknowledgements 5-6 Abstract 6-7 摘要 8-12 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES 12-13 LIST OF APPENDICES 13-14 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 14-19 1.1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND 14-16 1.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 16-17 1.3 THESIS STRUCTURE 17-19 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 19-43 2.1 L2 VOCABULARY ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT 19-26 2.1.1 Vocabulary knowledge 20-25 Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge 23 Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Knowledge 23-24 Mental Lexicon 24-25 Lexical Chunks 25 2.1.2 L2 Vocabulary Development 25-26 2.2 COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVES ON LANGUAGE LEARNING 26-30 2.2.1 The Major Memory Processes 27 2.2.2 Stage Model of Information Processing 27-29 2.2.3 Depth of Processing Hypothesis 29 2.2.4 Other cognitive models of information processing 29-30 2.3 VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES(VLS) 30-43 2.3.1 Definitions of Language Learning Strategies(LLS) 30-32 2.3.2 Taxonomy of Language Learning Strategies 32-36 Oxfords(1990) direct and indirect strategies 32 Wen Qiufangs(1993) management and language learning strategies 32-34 Cohens(1998) language learning and use strategies 34 OMalley and Chamots(1990) metacognitive,cognitive,and social/affective strategies 34-36 2.3.3 Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies(VLS) 36-40 Rubin and Thompsons(1994)Taxonomy of VLS 36-37 Stoffers(1995)Taxonomy of VLS 37 Gu and Johnsons(1996)Taxonomy of VLS 37-38 Schmitts(1997)Taxonomy of VLS 38-39 Hedges(2000)Taxonomy of VLS 39-40 Nations(2001)taxonomy of VLS 40 2.3.4 Empirical researches on vocabulary learning strategies in China 40-43 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH DESIGN 43-51 3.1 FRAMEWORK OF VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES OF THE PRESENT STUDY 43-46 3.2 METHODS 46-49 3.2.1 Vocabulary Levels Test 46-48 3.2.2 Questionnaire for vocabulary learning strategies 48-49 3.3 SUBJECTS 49 3.4 PROCEDURES 49-51 CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH ANALYSIS 51-54 4.1 ANALYSIS OF THE VOCABULARY LEVELS TEST(VLT) 51-52 4.2 ANALYSIS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE 52-54 CHAPTER 5 RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 54-65 5.1 RESEARCH QUESTION ONE 54-55 5.2 RESEARCH QUESTION TWO 55-57 5.3 RESEARCH QUESTION THREE 57-60 5.4 RESEARCH QUESTION FOUR 60-61 5.5 RESEARCH QUESTION FIVE 61-65 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 65-71 6.1 CONCLUSIONS 65-67 6.1.1 Conclusions for vocabulary size 65 6.1.2 Conclusions for cognitive processes of vocabulary acquisition 65-66 6.1.3 Conclusions for the use of vocabulary learning strategies 66-67 6.2 IMPLICATIONS 67-69 6.3 LIMITATIONS 69-71 REFERENCES 71-78 APPENDICES 78-103 作者简历 103
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