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江西省2020届高三英语二轮专项训练:单项选择(21)1. Accounting is described as _ science of classifying, recording, and reporting _ important financial eventsAa,/ Ba, the C/, / D/,the2. Let me help you cross the street. ! Im not that old.A. Take your time B. No way C. Come on D. Go ahead3 What do you think of the furniture on exhibition? Well, great! But I dont think much of _ you boughtAthe one Bit Cthat Dwhich4The shocking news made me realize _ terrible problems we would face.A. what B. how C. thatD. why5. Sir, a Mr. Wang is waiting for you at the gate. he come in or stay there?A. Will B. May C. Shall D. Must6.Last month, the Thai government expressed their thanks for the aid they_ from China.A. receive B. are receiving C. have received D. had received7. So suddenly_ that the villagers had no time to escape, and at least half of them were buried in the mud.A. did the disaster occur B. the disaster occurredC. was the disaster occurredD. the disaster occurring8.Why were so many people trapped into buying the stock of the company? enough money within one night.A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting9. She has made great progress in her studies but she said what she had achieved was little compared to the teachers expectations.A. so far B. too far C. far from D. far too10. Although he had taken a lot of medicine, his health poor.A. proved B. remained C. maintained D. lasted11.That stubborn CEO turned a deaf ear to the suggestions from his employees, _he knew the suggestions were very valuableAas though Bnow that Ceven though Dso that12. Im glad I can take this opportunity to express my deep of your kind help you rendered me.A. enjoyment B. appreciation C. entertainment D. reputation13. Are we living in an age everyone is encouraged to have their ideas on blogs?A. when B. that C. whose D. which14. It is necessary that teachers should be in time kept of students needs to provide adequate guidance and help to them.A. to be informed B. informing C. to inform D. informed15. As one of the councils of the U.N., we should world peace and development by correctly using our power.A. contribute to B. belong to C. refer to D. relate toACCAC DACDB CBADA
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