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第1-2单元词组表in pairs成双,成对give reasons for给出的理由fight for为而战斗drive out of把赶出wake up醒来,把叫醒put sb to death将处死move off离开,启程,出发concern oneself with 让自己关注argue for为辩护come crowding in纷至沓来argue against反对而争论move away from离开argue with sb与争论look down upon sb看不起某人carry on继续,坚持as a whole作为整体来说by chance偶然地,碰巧地catch ones eye吸引某人注意come across偶然遇见cut the death rate降低死亡率care for喜欢,关心,照顾be intended for为而准备follow rules遵循规则get medical training 获得医学培训further reading 深入的阅读be placed second to放在之后prepare for为作准备story after story一个接一个故事as follows情况如下circulate ones knowledge 传播知识if necessary如果必要的话less developed countries 欠发达国家be from出身于,来自be satisfied with对满意struggle for为而斗争care little about对不关心thanks to幸亏,由于,全靠be equipped with用装备起来dream of渴望,梦想an ear of rice一穗稻子wish for希望得到a grain of rice一粒稻子awake from从醒来with the hope of 带来的希望for sale供出售,卖in the sun阳光下wash off把洗掉in large amounts大量地build up增强,建立,开发be related to与有联系rid of使摆脱avoid doing sth避免干focus on集中注意力于every few years每隔几年get upset感到不安keep in mind记住be full of充满a second time又一次put down放下,镇压be good for对有好处have been to去过get confused 感到困惑work the land耕作土地late at night 深夜be born into出生于far into the night 深夜a high output高产量deliver a baby接生婴儿 1export ones rice 出口大米make it all worthwhile 使完全值得behave like humans 像人类的举止the remaining farmland 剩余的农田in great need of 极需要do some research on 做的研究a sunburnt face 一张晒黑的脸be prepared to do sth 准备好干cause damage to对造成损害give each other comments 互相评论can not wait to do 迫不及待干某事Its better to do sth 最好干get exhausted 感到精疲力竭every two or three years 每隔两三年clean each other 互相擦身 chemical fertilizers 化肥 go back to a place 回到的地方 get rid of 去掉,消灭 see the great need for 看到对的需求devoteto doing 把奉献给,把时间花在twice as large as before 是以前的两倍大make a difference 产生差别,有所作为,与众不同the China Welfare Institute 中国福利协会Show the connection between and 显示出和之间的联系work out their social system 勾勒出他们的社会体系gain a doctors degree 获得博士学位He considers himself a farmer. 把自己看作农民for the past five decades 在过去的50年中over the past half century 在过去的半个世纪中more than 60% of the rice is from 60%以上的粮食来自make information known to many people 使信息让许多人了解keep the soil free from (of) disease 使土地免受疾病It is certain to be healthy and safe 当然要健康和安全Its a great pity that 真可惜Only after his mother came was he allowed to do 只有在母亲回来后,他才被允许The problem is letting people know about your food.问题是让人们了解你的食品语法 1 主谓一致的用法。 2 动词 ing 形式作主语、宾语。 22
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