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考前知识清理四一.单词自测使受到危险环境的游历尺寸,措施栖息地,生活环境最初的,原始的电池生态系统回答,响应包装材料材料海报,招贴吸引人的组织图表,曲线图工工具,器械表演,履行特征,特点传统的传播多样性普遍的,全体的满足情感,情绪招待,使欢乐智力,智能文学,文艺喜剧能力,力量,权利前额痛苦的,悲惨的肩膀耳语,私语愚蠢的宣告,公告junksnack胃,肚子成熟的精力,能量不含酒精的燃料有营养的营养起作用,功能平衡消化,领会脑,头脑好吃的,可口的蒸发主题游行,行进神圣的,神的象征冲突重大的,主要的尊敬,给人荣耀祖先原则,原理创造性(力)商业的,贸易的敬礼,行礼致敬面颊庆祝,庆典尊敬,尊重天赋,礼物周期,循环场合,时机完全地,整个地过程,加工团体,社会二.词组自测在危险中灭绝采取措施适应目前,现在在自然环境下扔掉回答,响应有很多共同之处提出建议和着跳舞说西班牙语的人下次对感到满意挣钱搞恶作剧一系列的偶然遇见信任,信仰养成做的习惯do about 打开,开发健康食品作出抉择对有害保持生态平衡时而,不时跟上,赶上go for 阻止某人做某事保持健康以为根据/基础打扮,装饰对评价高/坏和相似欺骗,摄取做出决定用招待某人为了表示对某人的尊敬三.句型1)We may be able to take measures before it is too late. (趁早采取措施)2)It is strange that these two girls should have nothing in common. (竟然)3)(It is )No wonder youve got a headache, the amount you drank last night. (难怪)4)He was just about to say something when Pete turned around. (when 并列连词,意思是“就在这时”5)If only they could find a way to get to the room, or whatever it was, behind the wall. (if only “要是就好,但愿”从句要跟虚拟语气谓语动词形式,用一般过去时表现在愿望,用过去完成时could have done表过去愿望,用过去将来时表将来愿望。注意if only 还可解释为“只要“引导条件状语从句)6)The boy has a handsome face except for the scar on his forehead. (except for 表整体肯定,局部修正,后跟名词,except that 后跟从句)7)Only then did he realize how unhappy he was. (only +状语助动词主语谓语构成倒装句)8)Only the president can authorize a nuclear attack. (Only +名词/代词陈述句 (注意不倒装)9)People would get together to celebrate their harvest. (would表示某人过去经常做的事或过去经常发生的事)10)Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive. (Each time 作连词,引导时间状语从句,类似的还有:the minute, the moment, the first time 等)11)Cellphones make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere. (make + it +形容词 +for sb +to do)12)We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals. (虚拟语气)13)The noise seemed to be coming from the room. =It seemed that the noise was coming from the room. 14)Not all of them are safe (not 与all, every 等连用表部分否定)15)It is your turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事16)I dont think it is necessary to do sth, is it?四.辨析1)put on, dress, get dressed, wear, dress oneself, have on 2)keep doing sth, keep sb./sth doing sth, keep sb/sth from doing sth 3)fit, suit, match, go with 4)not a little, not a bit 5)probable, possible, likely 6)more than, no more than, not more than 7)late, later, latest, lately 8)add to, add up to, t9)take part in, join, join in, attend 10)the sameas, the samethat, suchas, suchthat 11)spend, take, cost, pay 12)win, beat, defeat 用心 爱心 专心 121号编辑 2
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