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6The first man set foot on the moon was an American calling Neil Armstorng. He landed on the moon with Edwin Aldrin in July 21, 1969 in the lunar module (飞船)舱. Whe they were made the famous moon-walk, millions of people watched them through the television. They stayed on the moon for about 21.5 days. Then they took off with their lunar module and joined Michael Collins in the command module. Armstrong and Aldrin brought back some dust and rock from the moon to further the scientific studies in the moon. They didnt find any life on the moon.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _Key;1在man后加who(that)。为定语从句。2calling改为called。“名叫”用过去分词called。3将in改为。no表示在某日用介词。no4正确。5made改为making。为过去进行时。6去掉the看电视watch TV,TV前不用冠词。7将days改为hours。days不符。8with改为in,意为“乘坐登月舱”。9rock改为rocks。10把in改为of。意为“进一步对月球的研究”,studies为名词,后用of。7The journey was long and tired. We left London at five oclock in the evening and spend eight hours in the train. We had been travelled for 3 hours after someone appeared selling food and drinks. It was darkness all the time we were crossing Wales, but we could see nothing through the windows. When we finally arrived Holyhead nearly everyone was slept. As soon as the train stopped, everybody tome tolife, grabbing their suitcases and rushing onto the platform.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _Key:1将tired改为tlrmg。tmng令人劳累的。2属时态错误。将spend改为spent。3去掉been。为主动语态。4affter改为before。5将darkness改为dark。6butd(为so从卜下丈可知。7在arrive后加in或at。8slept改为sleeping。过去进行时。9come改为canle。从上文时态可知。10正确。8Hong Kong lies in somtheast of China. It covers a area of one thousand and nincty-two square kilometer. It has a population of over six million. Hong Kong belong to China all the time in history. In thc early nineteen century, China was weak, and Hong Kong was so good place that many foreign countries want to have it. In the cnd the British imperialists took Hong Kong with force, so ruled it for one and a half centuries.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _Key:1在southeast前加the。在方位词前加定冠同。2将a改为an。3kilomeler改为kilometers。4belong改成belongs,第三人称单数。5将nineteen改为nineteenth。6正确。7在place前加a。so+adj+a(an)+n. 为句型。8want改为wanted。应用过去式。9将with改为by。by force通过武力。10将so改为and。took和ruled为并列谓语。9 Reading newspapers have become an important part of our life. Many people read it to begin their day. They learn from what is going on in the world. Somctime they do not have time to read the news, but they just take a quickly look at the front page. There are newspapers to every reader. In big cities there are many kinds of newspapers. In small towns there are few. In some placcs, people can read newspapers only once in a week.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _Key: 1. 将have改为has。动名词Reading newspapers是主语。2. it 改为 them。指代newspapers. 3. from改为 about或去掉fromo learn (about) 了解到。4. 将Sometime改为Sometimes。5. but改为so或then。从上文句意可知。6. 把quickly改成quick。take a quick look at浏览一下。7. 将to改为for。for every reader对每个读者来说。8. 正确。9. 将few改为fewer。从In big cities和In small towns可知。10. 去掉a week前的in。a week每周,an hour每小时。10“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is saying ira the United States. It is truth that all of us need excrcise together. We cant work and enjoy life all the time unless we keep good healthy. Everyone has his own way of resting. Perhaps the most popular way is take part in sports. There arc team sports, such as baseball, basketball or football. There is also sports for one person, such as golf and swimming.It doesnt matter whether we are good player or not. And it is important for everyone to take part in sports. This is spirit of tbe Olympics.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _Key:1在saying前加a。a saying一句谚语。2truth改为true。3去掉together。4healthy改为health。good health身体好。5正确。6is后加to。不定式做表语。7or改为and。and用于肯定句中表并列,or用于否定句中表并列。8is改为arc。sports为主语。9player改为players。10And改为But。根据上下文的逻辑关系。- 2 -
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