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河南省周口市西华县第一高级中学2015-2016学年高一英语下学期期末选拔考试试题(扫描版)高一英语答案阅读: 1-4 BDCA 5-7 BDC8-10 ABC 1115CBDAD完型16-20 ADBDB 21-25 BBCAD 26-30 ADDCA 31-35 BCCDB七选五36-40 CEGFA语法填空1,at 2. softly3, painful 4,holding 5,it6,is called 7,as 8,harder 9,if 10,breath改错1. health-healthy 2. other-others 3.advices-advice 4.wereare 5.glad后加to 6.young-younger 7.what-how 8.去掉a 9. but-and 10.by-in参考范文:Dear friends,First of all, lets give our warm welcome to our honorable guest Mr. Alexander. Mr. Alexander is a world famous English linguist. He has written lots of books, including New Concept English, Follow Me and so on. All these are well known to us. Today Mr. Alexander is here to give us a lecture on writing and about English study in middle schools in China. If you have any questions on english study,you are free to ask him for help.Now lets welcome Mr. Alexander to give us a licture.5
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