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天津市河西区20052006学年度第一学期高三年级统一调研模拟试卷英语一、 听力:(20%)1. What is David going to do?A.Catch a train home. B. Do his homework. C. Go to a park.2. Where are the two speakers?A.In a restaurant B. On a farm. C. At the mans home.3. How much a pound are the oranges?A. 6 cents B. 16 cents C. 60 cents4. What is the man going to do? A. Run to the airport. B. Wait for another bus. C. Hurry to get the next bus.5. What are the two speakers doing? A. Walking down a hill. B. Climbing stairs.C. Discussing a trip.6. What will the man do in the evening? A. Go to London. B. Meet somebody.C. See the woman again.7. Where are the speakers? A. In the street.B. In a hotel.C. In a taxi.8. Why does the woman make the telephone call? A. She wants to know more about the club.B. She hopes to find a job in Washington. C. She plans to go to evening classes.9. What do the members do on Thursday evening? A. They have sports.B. They have language classes.C. They have dinner together.10. What language does the woman speak besides English? A. Spanish B. French C. Italian11. Why does the man ask the woman for her name and address? A. He wants to send her a form.B. He intends to visit her.C. He would like to know more about her.12. What are the speakers talking about? A. A flight timetable. B. The way to Union Street.C. Hiring a taxi.13. Where is the woman going on Saturday? A. Garden Hotel. B. The airport. C. The taxi company.14. What will Marys mother receive for her birthday? A. A shirt B. A skirt C. A plate15. Wholl cook the special dinner? A. Mary B. Marys friend C. Marys father16. Who will do the shopping? A. Marys father and mother. B. Mary and her mother.C. Mary and her father.17. Where did the strange noise come from? A. Pieces of paper on the window. B. A baby in the waste basket.C. A mouse under a piece of paper.18. When did the noise disturb the person? A. In the middle of her sleep. B. Just as she turned off the light. C. After she washed and went to bed.19. What did she first do when she found the noise came from the wastepaper basket? A. She kicked the basket.B. She closed the door.C. She turned on the light.20. What did she do after she put the basket outside the door? A. She closed the doorB. She went to bed againC. She didnt go to bed until the next morning.二、 单项选择:(20%)21. _ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different colors.A. To grow B. Growing C. Grown D. Grow22. The girl who is kept _ the nurse has _ ill since last week.A. in the charge of / fallen B. in charge of / been C. in the charge of / been D. taken charge of / fallen23. -What is the way to improve spoken English?-Make every _ to speak every day.A. effort B. chance C. method D. effect24. Sam insisted that the picture Mr Green referred to _.A. was worth buying B. was worth to be bought C. being worth buying D. be worth buying25. Shall we have dinner right now? I _.A. will starve B. am starving C. was starved D. have starved26. Although he knew little about the work done in the field of physics, he succeeded _ other experienced experts failed.A. which B. that C. what D. where27. Could you give me a hand? The dictionary is _ my reach.A. on top of B. beyond C. too far for D. higher for28. Since we have got the machine repaired, we can _ with our work.A. carry out B. carry on C. carry away D. carry through29. Chinas entry into the WTO has as important a meaning to China as _ the USA.A. which does to B. it has C. it does to D. what it is30. -What clothes should we wear to attend a ball?-Dress _ you like.A. what B. however C. whatever D. how31. I would be sitting in a comfortable office now if I _ more energies to my study instead of being crazy about going online at college.A. devoted B. would have devoted C. were to devote D. had devoted32. The fact _ he didnt recognize me means that I _ a lot in the past few years.A. that / changed B. which / had changed C. when / changed D. that / have changed33. He is said _ when he was trying to steal again.A. being caught B. caught C. to be caught D. to have been caught34. You promised to buy me a computer, but you didnt. You _.A. must have kept your words B. should have kept your wordC. should have kept your words D. oughtnt to have kept your word35. John hurried into the classroom and found her _ at the desk, _
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