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运用PREP法,搞定“写人”记叙文一、 什么是PREP法? /1/view-12140304.htmPREP四个字母各自代表写作的一个段落。P:中心思想(Main Point)英语中常用一个句子来表明中心思想,这个句子就是主题句(Topic sentence)。主题句一般放在作文最开头,开门见山,直接点题。在写主题句时,应该使句子有鲜明的特点,避免过于平淡。例如,我们要写一篇以“The Best Teacher in My Life”为题的作文,主题句若写为Mr. Yang is my teacher,那就太平淡了。至少应准确地指出你为什么要写Mr. Yang。我们可以把这句话改为Mr. Yang is a good teacher。改后的句子显然好一些,因为Mr. Yang是位好老师,所以才写他。但这似乎还不够好,好老师有很多呀,你为什么要写Mr. Yang?此时不妨再细化一下,精准找到“题点”。所谓“题点”,就是使主题句特点最鲜明的那个亮点,如:Mr. Yang is the best teacher I have met in my life.很明显,the best teacher I have met in my life这个“题点”很容易抓住读者的眼球,使读者很想知道你这样说的原因。由此看来,写好主题句的要诀在于找到能点题的那个“题点”。找到了“题点”,写出主题句,作文的主要方向就清晰明朗了。R:原因(Reason)在看过我们精心写的主题句之后,读者自然会问:“why?”因此,接下来的任务是写明原因:你为什么说Mr. Yang是最好的老师呢?跟找“题点”相似,要用一句话点明原因,这个原因句应该是与主题句关系最直接、最有力的句子。比如:Mr. Yang has changed the direction of my life.点出原因后,需要补充几句话加以说明。为什么说“我”的人生改变了?我们可以这样写:I used to be a trouble maker in my class. It seemed that nobody liked me, and I also hated them. I had almost lost hope until Mr. Yang became my new English teacher.这几句话不仅阐明了原因,还让读者更加好奇:Mr. Yang是怎么改变“我”的?短短几句话便很好地起到了承上启下的作用。由此可见,在第二段阐明原因时,贵在简洁明了,无须过多着墨,一般用两三句话交代清楚就能达到很好的效果。E:举例子(Example)举例子是文章的主体部分,不仅是对前面的原因进一步说明,也是对文章中心思想最有力的印证。在高考英语作文中,一般举一个例子就够了,但需要注意以下三点:例子必须具有典型性,而最能说明原因;例子还要足够生动,能给读者留下深刻的印象;例子与原因需有直接的关联。这篇作文到举例子时可以这样写:One day, when I was going to bully a little boy from another class. Mr. Yang, who happened to be passing by, immediately stopped me. “Do you think that you are a brave man?” he asked me in a kind voice which I had never heard from other teachers. “A brave man never bullies the weak; on the contrary, he protects them. Bullying your schoolmate only shows you are a coward.” His words, like a bolt, directly hit me. I knew that my behavior was completely wrong. From that moment, I began to change myself, and finally I won the respect of my classmates.很显然,这一例子十分有说服力,令前面的主题陈述和原因不再是空话,而是有理有据的。由此可知,举例子的这一段是文章的核心和高潮。写好这部分的秘诀在于,要抓住最具典型性的、最具说服力的、最能说明中心思想的事例进行阐述。P:再次回到中心思想(Main Point)在作文中,最后一段往往要回到中心思想,即“扣题”。一篇文章的最后一句话往往让读者印象最为深刻,因此,扣题要有所升华,不能简单重复主题句。在介绍Mr. Yang这篇作文中,Mr. Yang使“我”认识到了好老师的力量,所以“我”也要向他学习,将来做一名好老师,因此结尾我们可以这样写:I realized the power of a teacher from Mr. Yang,so I decided to try my best to be an excellent teacher in the future,just like him!经过上述P-R-E-P四个步骤后,作文的主体部分就成形了。为了使文章更加顺畅,我们可以进行适当润色。最后成形的全文如下:The Best Teacher in My LifeMr. Yang is the best teacher I have ever met in my life.As a naughty boy, I used to be a trouble maker in my class. It seemed that nobody liked me, and I also hated them. I had almost lost hope until Mr. Yang became my new English teacher. I always remember the day when I was going to bully a little boy from another class. Mr. Yang, who happened to be passing by, immediately stopped me. “Do you think that you are a brave man?” he asked me in a kind voice which I had never heard from other teachers. “A brave man never bullies the weak; on the contrary, he protects them. Bullying your schoolmates only shows you are a coward.” His words, like a bolt, directly hit me. I knew that my behavior was completely wrong. From that moment I began to change myself, and finally I won the respect of classmates.From Mr. Yang, I realized the power of a teacher, so I decided to try my best to be an excellent teacher in the future, just like him!二、 运用PREP法,破解“写人”书面表达题李越被评为你们班的“每周之星”,请你根据她的事迹(在上周六下午,不顾天气炎热,为班级选购歌咏比赛服装),用英语为班级板报写一篇短文。文章应包括下列要点:1.李越的事迹及其对同学的影响;2.你的评论。【作文分析】本文要求写李越的事迹,可以运用PREP法来写。P&R:题目已经给出文章的主题句和原因:Li Yue has been awarded the title of “Star Student of the Week” for what she did for our class.E:举例子,围绕题目给出的事例“李越不顾炎热去购买演出服装”来写。为了突出李越事迹的意义,可以对“天气炎热”进行渲染,并采用对比的手法,将李越的积极举动与其他同学的推脱作对比。需要注意的是,此处要记得将题目要求的“对同学们的影响”和“你的评论”融入其中。如:It was extremely hot last Saturday, and we were practicing for the coming singing contest. However, the costumes for the singing contest had not been purchased yet. It was obvious that nobody was willing to go out and buy the costumes because of the hot weather, But, Li Yue, the quietest girl in our class, went out without saying a word. One hour later, with a heavy bag on her shoulder, Li Yue came back. In the bag were the costumes for the singing contest! The whole class was quiet as a feeling of shame came over us. Yes, we all talk about how much we love the class, but only Li Yue proved her love by actions instead of empty words!P:扣题升华。如:Encouraged by her unselfish devotion to our class, we know that our class can match any class in this school!(责任编校 周丹)
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