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云南德宏州芒市第一中学高中英语 定语从句教学设计 新人教版必修1A. Teaching content and analysisContent:1.ToreviewGet the students to master the Attributive Clause introduced by the Relative Adverb2.Enable the students learn how to choose relative adverbsAnalysis: By reviewing relative pronoun, Ss are expected choose relative pronoun properly.B. Teaching goals and analysisGoals:1. Enable the Ss to grasp the definition, kinds and use of Attributive Clause through revision.2. Enable the Ss to know how to choose correct relative for Attributive Clauses in grammatical filling.3. Enable the Ss to know how to use Attributive Clauses in writing.Analysis:Ss are expected to apply what they have learnt to practice by fulfilling some written tasks.C. Teaching important points and difficult points1. Toknowaboutfunction of each relative.2. Enable the students to know how to choose proper relative adverbs for attributive clauses.D. Predicting problems and analysis1. The teacher should make a good preparation for the pre-class to help our students understand the concept and category better. Because of their poor basis, they may not be familiar with some words, phrases, sentences.2. The teacher should introduce some skills properly so that it enables students work out many questions of this grammar learning.3. The teacher must pay more attention to students feedback in the class and timely adjust.E. Teaching Methods1. Review, explanation, and consolidation.2. Make every student work in class.F. Teaching AidsThe multimedia; The blackboard; The coursewareG. Teaching proceduresPre-class -lead-in -exercise -presentation -Summary -consolidation -homeworkStep1. Pre-classAsk Ss write down four sentences which we left yesterday.Ask some volunteers to read out some sentenced in the text which learnt last class related to the attributive clause when, where and why. These sentences are, for example “The school where I studied for only two year was three kilometers away.” “The time when I first met Mandela was a very difficult time of my life.” .Designing purpose:Its easy and useful for the Ss to understand the grammar points by the revision of the contents and homework of last class.Step2. Lead-in概念练习1:判断正误,如有错,请改正。1. Kekexili is a film that we saw it together in the class last week.( )2. Is this person who is flooded by sand in the movie? ( )3. This room is in which the fight took place. ( )4. He worked in which his father used to work. ( )5. Now the population of Tibetan antelopes is increasing in the nature reserve which Jiesang once worked.总结:定语从句的关系词分为关系代词和_1.关系代词有_,_,_,_,_,在从句中做_或_。只有_做定语;2. 关系副词有_,_,_,在从句中做_Answers: 所有5个句子都有错。句1:去掉it; 句2:在this后加the或在person后加the one; 句3:在is后加the one或将in which改成where; 句4:将in which改成where或在worked后加in the place; 句5:在which前加in或将which改成whereDesigning purpose:Enable the Ss to grasp the definition.Step3. Presentation关系代词、关系副词的选用练习2:判断下列句子中的空格处需要填入关系代词还是关系副词。1. On a freezing cold day, Jiesang found a group of poachers _ were killing the antelopes.2. There were gunfires, _ Jiesang was shot.3. The poachers didnt kill baby antelopes, _ wool isnt worth so much.4. The wool is taken to India, _ it is made into shawls.5. Hol Xil Nature Reserve is a huge national park on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, _ is the main habitat of the antelopes.总结:当从句句子结构缺主语或宾时,选用关系代词_,_或_。(做_语用whose)当从句句子结构不缺主语宾语时,选用关系_词。练习3:用正确的关系副词填空。1. The days are gone _ physical strength was all you needed to make a living.2. The girl had piano lessons at the training center with her sister _ she could stay for an hour.3. Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _ the audience can buy ice-cream.4. Were just trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.5. I can think of many cases _ students obviously knew a lot but couldnt write a good essay.6. Sales director is a position _ communication is just as important as sales skills.7. We came to a place _ stands a big tower.8. He didnt give the reason _ his wife didnt come.总结:定语从句中关系副词做_,做时间状语用_,做地点状语用_,做原因状语用_,Answers: 练习2:句1,3,5空格处需要关系代词;句2,4空格处需要关系副词练3: 句1,3:when 句2,4:,5,6,7:where 句8:whyDesigning purpose:Observe sentences and find out the rules.Step4. Text for goals练习4:判断正误, 如有错,请改正。1. Anyone who win the first place will get 5,000 yuan as a prize.2. Those who take part in the game will get a gift each.3. The Tibetan antelope is just one of the species that have been on the brink of extinction.4. Mo Yan is the only one of the Nobel Prize winners in China who have won the Prize for Literature.Answers: 1. 将win改成wins 2. 正确 3.
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