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22条途径超频你的大脑317. Cycles Of ConsciousnessYour consciousness waxes and wanes throughout the day . For most it seems to go through 90 minute cycles, with 30 minutes of lower consciousness. Watch yourself to recognize this cycle. If you learn to recognize and track your mental state, you can concentrate on important mental tasks when your mind is most “awake”. For creative insight into a problem, do the opposite. Work on it when you are in a drowsy state, when your conscious mind has slowed down.17. 意识周期意识每天都像月亮一样有盈有缺。对大多数人而言,它的周期是90分钟,其中30分钟的意识低潮。观察自己来辨认周期。如果你学会辨认和跟踪你的大脑状态,你可以在思维最清醒时专注于重要的脑力工作,当创造性洞察遇到难题,就要反其道而行了。在你迷迷糊糊、意识思维迟钝下来时再去完成它。18. Learn Something NewThis one might seem obvious. Yes, we capitalize on our brains great potential when we put it to work learning new things. You may have a specific topic for work or leisure that you want to learn more about. Thats great.Go learn it. If you dont have a subject in mind right now, try learning a new word each day. There is a strong correlation between working vocabulary and intelligence. When we have new words in our vocabulary, our minds can think in new ways with greater nuances between ideas. Put your mind to work learning. It is one of the best ways to re-energize your brain.18. 学一些新东西 这一条可能看起来平淡无奇。是的,当我们让大脑学习新的知识时,我们在使用它的巨大潜能。你可能有一个想了解更多的具体工作或休闲的主题。那很好。开始学习。如果你现在脑子里没有一个问题,那么尝试每天学一个新单词。工作时的词汇量和智力是有强大关联的。当我们的词库里有新单词,我们的头脑可以通过主意间更微妙的差别想出新的方法。让你的头脑开始学习吧。这是重新给大脑充电的最好方法。19. Write To Be ReadI am a big proponent of writing in a journal to capture ideas and thoughts. There is certainly great value in writing for yourself. I continue to find that my brain is greatly stimulated by writing to be read. The greatest benefit of writing is what it does to expand your brains capacity. Find ways to write to be read by writing things for your friends to read, by capturing the stories of your childhood, starting your own blog or whatever just write to be read.19. 写一些会有人读的内容我强烈支持以写日记来获得主意和思想。为自己写作无疑有巨大价值。我连续发现通过写一些会被人阅读的内容,我的大脑变得格外兴奋。写作的最大好处在于它为扩充你的脑容量所做的一切。寻找途径来写一些会有人阅读的东西- 为你的朋友能阅读而写一些东西,写你童年发生的故事,建立自己的blog或无论什么- 只要写些能被阅读的东西。20. Try Aroma Therapy To Activate Your BrainOne day, as I was falling asleep, while listening to endless speeches at a conference, my brain suddenly perked up when I caught a whiff of lemon from someones cologne. I immediately felt alert and found it much easier to pay attention to the presenter. I discovered aroma therapy really is useful and I have used it ever since revitalize or to relax. Energizers include peppermint, cypress and lemon. Relaxants: ylang ylang, geranium and rose. A few drops of essential oils in your bath or in a diffuser will do the trick. You can also put a drop or two in a cotton ball or hanky and inhale. One caveat for the workplace; make sure no-one is allergic to the oils before you use them.20. 尝试用香薰来激活大脑 一天当我在一次会议上听着无休止的演讲时,慢慢坠入梦乡,突然闻到来自某个人科隆香水的柠檬味道,我的大脑兴奋起来。我立刻警醒,发现自己能更容易专注于演讲者。我发觉香薰真的有效,从那之后我一直用它来恢复精力或放松休息。劲量(Energizer)含有薄荷、柏木和柠檬。松弛剂:依兰依兰,天竺葵和玫瑰。在浴室或喷雾器里滴入几滴精油会起作用。你也可以用棉花球或手帕沾一两滴然后吸入。工作场所需要警告一下;在使用之前确认没有人对该油有过敏反应。21. Drugs To Increase BrainpowerCoffee and other drinks containing caffeine help students consistently score higher on tests. Since caffeine restricts blood vessels in the brain, it isnt clear what the longer-term effects may be when it comes to your brainpower. So instead of coffee breaks try gingko biloba and gotu kola herbal teas. Ginkgo biloba has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, and improve concentration.21.提高智力的药物咖啡和其它饮料包含的咖啡因有助于学生在考试中始终如一获得好成绩。因为咖啡因限制大脑血管,故而不太清楚它对你的智力的长期影响会如何。所以不要开咖啡会了,尝试一下银杏提取物(译者注:银杏树叶中的萃取物质可以增加脑的供血量)和积雪草草药茶。银杏提取物被证明能增加血液流向脑部,提高注意力。22. Build A Brain TrustSurround yourself with inspiring people from a wide variety of fields who encourage you and stimulate your creativity. Read magazines from a wide variety of fields. Make connections between people, places and things, to discover new opportunities, and to find solutions to your problems. 22. 建立智囊在你身周围绕着广泛领域的鼓舞人心的人,他们鼓励你、刺激你的创造力。阅读不同领域的杂志。在人们、地点和事物之间建立连接来发现新的机遇,以及为你的问题发现解决方案。Remember that no matter what your age or your occupation; your brain needs to be constantly challenged to be at its peak in terms of performance. Whether its doing logic puzzles, memorizing lines from Shakespeare, or learning a new skill, keep your brain busy, if you dont want it to rust away like a car in a junkyard. 记住,无论你多大或你的职业是什么;你的大脑需要时常受到挑战,使之在效率方面达到其巅峰状态。不论是做逻辑难题,熟记莎士比亚的台词,或者学会一项新技能,使你的大脑忙起来,如果你不想让它想废品堆里的轿车一样锈掉的话。.- 3 -
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