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CONTENTS 目录Foreword 前 言Welcome Message from General Manager 总经理欢迎辞CHAPTER 1: RAMADA Presentation 第一章 华美达品牌简介CHAPTER 2: Ramada Hangzhou Hotel Presentation 第二章 酒店简介CHAPTER 3: General terms and conditions of employment第三章 酒店员工聘用条例3.1 Recruitment Guidelines 聘用指南3.2 Probation Period 试用期3.3 Working Hours 、Rest Days and Overtime Work 工作时间、休息日和超时工作3.4 Basic Salary 基本工资说明3.5 Time and Swipe Card 考勤卡的试用规定3.6 Attendance 考勤规定3.7 Employee Uniform 员工制服3.8 Transfer、 Promotion and Demotion 调岗、晋升和降级3.9 Resign、 Termination 、Dismiss 辞职、辞退、除名3.10 Renewal of Employment Contract 合同续签3.11 Exclusive Service and Entire Time 限制兼职工作之规定3.12 Change of Personal Particulars 个人情况变更说明CHAPTER 4: Employee Benefits第四章 员工福利4.1 Duty Meals 工作餐4.2 Public Holidays 法定假期4.3 Annual Leave 年假4.4 Matrimonial Leave 婚假4.5 Maternity Leave 产假4.6 Paternity Leave 生育看护假4.7 Compassionate Leave 丧假4.8 Work Injury 工伤4.9 Medical Benefits 医疗福利4.10 Hospitalization Leave 住院4.11 Prolonged Medical Leave 医疗期4.12 Leave without Pay 无薪假4.13 Year End Bonus 年终奖4.14 Training 员工培训CHAPTER 5: Hotels Rules and Regulations第五章 员工必须遵守的各项管理规定5.1 Name Badge 员工名牌管理规定5.2 Employee ID Card 员工通道管理规定5.3 Employee Entrance and Exit 员工接受例行安全检查的规定5.4 Security Vetting 员工考勤管理规定5.5 Time Card and Daily Sheet 员工接待私人来访的规定5.6 Personal Call 员工接打私人电话的规定5.7 Personal Visit 员工店内吸烟的规定5.8 Personal Call 禁止吐痰规定5.9 Washroom 员工使用客用洗手间的规定5.10 Use of Elevators 员工使用客用电梯的规定5.11 Use of Parting Lot 员工使用停车场的规定5.12 Loitering 员工不允许在店内闲逛的规定5.13 Lost and Found Items 失物招领5.14 Hotel Property Control 员工不允许将酒店物品带出酒店的规定5.15 Eating/ Drinking 员工不允许在岗上饮食的管理规定5.16 Under the Influence of Alcohol or Illegal Drugs员工不允许醉酒或服食毒品的管理规定5.17 Personal Papers and Mobile Phone 员工配带私人传呼机和手机的规定5.18 Use of Hotel Computer 员工使用酒店电脑的规定5.19 Confidentiality 员工要遵守的酒店保密制度的管理规定CHAPTER 6: Employee Responsibilities第六章 员工职责规范6.1 Uniform 员工个人工作服的保管和试用6.2 Personal Hygiene 员工个人卫生规范6.3 Personal Grooming 员工个人 仪表仪容规范6.4 Posture 员工个人体态规范6.5 Attitude 员工工作态度要求 6.6 Cleanliness 员工工作环境规范6.7 Punctuality 员工守时准则6.8 Efficient and prompt service 员工工作效率和服务效率的要求CHAPTER 7: Employee Facilities第七章 员工设施介绍7.1 Employee Dining Room 员工餐厅7.2 Employee Locker and Employee Locker Room员工更衣柜和更衣室7.3 Employee Notice Board 员工宣传栏7.4 Employee Activity Area 员工活动区域7.5 Employee Dormitory 员工宿舍CHAPTER 8: Employee relation guide第八章 员工关系指南8.1 Hotel Publication 店刊8.2 Employee Convention 员工大会8.3 Employee Drumbeating Column 员工宣传栏8.4 Employee Suggestion Box 员工意见调查CHAPTER 9:Rewards and Punishment system第九章 奖惩制度9.1 Objective 目的9.2 Employee Rewards 员工奖励9.3 Rewards Kind 奖励种类9.4 Rewards Byelaw 奖励条例9.5 Rewards Program 奖励程序9.6 Rewards Ways 奖励办法9.7 Rewards Form 奖励形式9.8 Blame 过失9.9 Blame Sort 过失类别9.10 Discipline Punish 纪律处分9.11 Punish Byelaw 处罚条例9.12 Punish Program 处罚程序9.13 Punish Way 处罚办法9.14 Punish Repeal Time and Repeal Ways 处罚撤销期及撤销办法CHAPTER 10:Security system第十章 安全制度10.1 Security Byelaw 安全条例10.2 Fire Control Security 消防安全10.3 Fire Guard Against 火灾预防10.4 Deal with Fire Alarm 火警处理10.5 Deal with Suddenness Circs 受伤等意外情况的处理10.6 Elevator Fault
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