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圈题作文:开放话题作文例题分析(一)情景内容: Sports MeetingLast Thursday a sports meeting was held in Li Pings school. Li Ping was in the boys 1000-metre race, but he didnt finish the race. Suppose you are Li ping, you tell us what happened.解析:这是一篇开放话题作文。它的特点是:没有汉字语言叙述,要求考生理解英语叙述,然后结合自己的想法去写。这篇文章要求写运动会上发生的一件事,考生可以写参加某个比赛项目留下的深刻印象,也可以写运动会上相互支持、加油的场面。字数在80左右,不宜过多。 (二)情景内容ww: On My Way To SchoolYou missed class this morning. Your classmate called you to find out why you were absent. You tell him what happened.解析:这是一篇开放话题作文。它的特点是:没有汉字语言叙述,要求考生理解英语叙述,然后结合自己的想法去写。这篇文章要求写:你没有上课,你的同学给你打电话询问原因,你结合自己的想法去写。字数在80左右,不宜过多。下面是一篇范文供大家参考。I broke my leg on my way to school this morning. It was foggy. I was riding my bike very fast. Suddenly a car drove towards me and knocked me off my bike. I was taken to the hospital immediately. The doctor examined me and found my left beg broken. I had to lie in bed for at least three weeks.举一反三突破提升1. An Incident一次小事故情景内容 It was a summer morning in the classroom on Monday. Amy found a Band-Aid on Billys ankle. She asked Billy what was wrong with his ankle. Supposing you are Billy, please tell Amy what happened to your ankle.参考范文: Yesterday afternoon I was playing ball games with a few boys from the neighborhood. While kicking the ball, I slipped and fell over. My angle was injured. It bled a bit, so I had a Band-Aid on it. But I dont think it serious. I hope it will be all right soon. Band-Aid 创可贴 what was wrong with 怎么了,出了什么事 supposing you are Billy 假设你是比利 slipped and fell over 滑倒 bled a bit 流了许多血2. No Smoking Day世界戒烟日情景内容 May 31st, No Smoking Day, is drawing near. Now what do you want to say to smokers to help them get rid of the bad habit?参考范文: Today more and more people care for the problem of smoking. May 31st, No Smoking Day, is drawing near. On that day, nobody is allowed to smoke, because smoking is polluting the air, also its harmful to peoples health and will cause lung cancer. I hope you should make a plan to get rid of the bad habit. Its our hope that we all take an active part in the activity. Im sure youll succeed in giving up smoking. May 31st, No Smoking Day, is drawing near. 5月31日,世界戒烟日,正临近了。 help them get rid of the bad habit 帮助他们摆脱这个坏习惯 care for the problem of smoking 关心抽烟问题 cause lung cancer 引起肺癌 take an active part in the activity 积极参加这项活动 succeed in giving up smoking 成功地戒烟3. I Have A Dream我有一个梦情景内容 Have you ever had a dream about your splendid future or imagined something unreal but interesting or meaningful? Tell your close friend about it now.参考范文: I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I dont have to worry about old age during which I even cant take care of myself. I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well. close friend 亲密的朋友 have enough energy to do everything 有足够的精力做一切事情 moreover 并且,更进一步 worry about old age 害怕年老 take care of myself 照顾自己 come true 变成现实 treasure my time 珍惜时间 3
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