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Unit 15 Popular youth culture 单元教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about youth culture and interests of young peopleRead about voluntary workPractice presenting ideasIntegrative language practiceConduct a survey and write a reportII 目标语言 词 汇1 四会词汇voluntary, annual, elder, elderly, breathless, dizzy, eyesight, weekly, communist, timetable, adjustment, mature, jeans, uniform, shopkeeper, recent2 认读词汇Danny, Kofi Annan, Scheme, enthusiasm, leadership, donation, enrich, payment, melt, denim, fashionable3 词组straight away, fit in (with), due to, in many respects4 重点词汇acknowledge, beneficial, satisfaction, eager, worthwhile, starve, casual, whereas, possess重 点 句 式1. The people here are poor, but they have big hearts and made me feel very welcome. P1302. I really feel Im doing something worthwhile and I am having a great time doing it. P1303. Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in. P1304. Many schools in the USA did not approve of students wearing jeans to school and they forbade them. P134III 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元的主题围绕“青年文化及其兴趣”这一话题展开,让学生就中外青年文化展开讨论,发表自己不同的观点。课文还向学生介绍了青年志愿者的一些活动,并要求学生学会进行问卷调查并根据调查结果写出调查报告。1.1 WARMING UP 提供了四幅不同内容的图片,要求学生就青年文化、兴趣以及中外青年的共同点展开讨论,并要求学生设计出能代表现代青年生活的海报,内容可以涉及各个方面。1.2 LISTENING 是一个叫DANNY的中学生到青年志愿者中心咨询的情况。1.3 SPEAKING是让学生展示自己设计的有关青年生活的海报或提供相关照片,介绍其内容并说明选择这些内容的理由。最后让学生简短地概括出什么是青年文化,并讨论青年文化是否也有弊端。1.4 PRE-READING 通过让学生讨论中国青年志愿者的活动类型以及这些活动对志愿者的益处,以训练学生的发散性思维。1.5 READING 是一篇记叙文,叙述了Lu Hao,Lin Ying, Meng Yu 三位青年学生参加不同形式的志愿者活动的情况,使学生了解到志愿者活动不仅可使受助者获得帮助,而且也是志愿者提高自身素质的一个重要渠道,从而激发学生对志愿者活动的兴趣。1.6 POST-READING 中设计的前三个问题,目的是考查学生对课文细节的了解程度,训练学生的阅读、理解能力。最后一个是开放性问题,目的是拓展学生的思维能力。1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY 中设计了四道练习题。第一题为填字游戏,目的是考查学生对词汇的掌握程度;第二道填空题考查学生对连词用法的掌握;第三题是考查学生对第二题中短文的理解程度;第四题要求学生对Ma Hua的选择发表看法,并就The best things in life are free 这一论题展开辩论。目的是训练学生的逻辑思维能力以及论辩能力。1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS 中的阅读是一篇说明文,介绍了风靡全球的美国牛仔裤的发展史。文后设计的前两个问题是考查学生的阅读理解能力;第三题要求学生进行问卷调查,第四题要求学生改写最后一段,目的是让学生学会进行问卷调查并根据调查结果练习写作。最后,要求学生就青年文化的最新趋势进行问卷调查并写出调查报告。2. 教材重组2.1 从训练目的上看WARMING UP 与SPEAKING 以及WORKBOOK 中的READING AND TALKING 基本一致,可将这三部分整合在一起,设计成一节“口语课”。2.2将LISTENING 和WORKBOOK 中的LISTENING 整合在一起上一节“听力课”。2.3 将PRE-READING、READING和 POST-READING 整合在一起上一节“精读课”。2.4 将INTEGRATING SKILL中的READING 和WORKBOOK中的两篇READING整合在一起上一节“泛读课”。2.5 将INTEGRATING SKILL 中的 WRITING 和WORKBOOK 中的WRITING 整合在一起上一节“写作课”。2.6 将LANGUAGE PRACTICE 和 WORKBOOK 中的TESTING YOUR SKILLS、CLOZE TEST以及 TRANSLATING 整合在一起上一节“语言训练课”。3. 课型设计与课时分配(根据学情,经教材分析,本单元分六课时完成。)1st PeriodSpeaking2nd PeriodListening 3rd PeriodReading4th PeriodExtensive Reading5th PeriodWriting6th PeriodLanguage PractiseIV. 分课时教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语worldwide, concern, addict, end up, in the worst case, bring . to ones attention, with care, make time forb. 交际用语In my opinion I think .In my point of view I dont think .I believe that .I agree with you .I agree with you no more .2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about youth culture and interests of young people.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable the students to learn how to talk about youth culture and interests of young people.Teaching important points 教学重点Enable the students to present their opinions about computer games.Teaching methods 教学方法Discussion.Teaching aids 教具准备A computer and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck the homework.T: Yesterday I asked you to design some posters or find some pictures showing what life is like for a modern teenager today. Have you brought your homework here?S: Yes.T: Very good. Take out your homework and put it on your desk. Ill check it later.Step II Warming upGet the students to talk about the pictures and do the first two tasks.T: Now lets turn to Page 127 and look at the pictures first. Which of the pictures are true to your life?Ss: Picture 1, 2, 3 and 4.T: What other activities and interests are typical of you young people?S1: Playing computer games.S2: Chatting on the Internet.S3: Sending and receiving e-mails.S4: Sending and receiving messages.S5: Go traveling.S6: Go camping.S7: Taking part in some voluntary work.S8: Attending some extra classes such as painting, music, dance, handwriting and so on.T: OK. Nowadays people often talk about the “global teenager”. What do you think teenagers in China have in common with those in the other countries?S1: They all like popular things.T: Can you give some examples? S1: Let me try. They are always wearing fashionable clothes, jewels, glasses, hair, beard and so on. S2: They like entertainment after school or work. They often go to dance, sing songs, play computer games, and hold parties.S3: They have their idols such as some film stars, TV stars, singers, sports stars andsome other popular persons
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