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(本试卷满分135分,考试时间120分钟)第一部分:语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Mt.Qomolangma was first conquered (征服)in 1953,when Sir Edmud Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing,his guide (向导),became the first climbers to reach the top.More than 750 times have people tried to conquer the mountain,but not 1successful.Yet every climber knows the 2.This doesnt stop teams of climbers arriving at the base camp every year with the courage of reaching the top.Two such climbers,and two 3ones,are Scott Fischer and Rob Hall.Fischer,an American guide with much experience,was lost in a terrible storm which swept across the 4.A rescue team (营救)found him and his friend,but didnt 5 to bring Fischer to safety in the terrible conditions because he was dying.New Zealander Rob Hall,6 experienced climber and guide,was lost near the top.These two men had something in common:they were both guides who took toursof less experienced climbers up the mountain.There is a lot of that can go wrong in an action to reach the top of Mt.Qomolangma:a 7 change in weather conditions or a wrong turning.Planes will only be sent to rescue if they 8in advance.In spite of all these,there is a business in leading guided tours to the top.9mountain climbers can now pay $64,000 or more to achieve their aim.Many people wonder how guides can hope to 10their inexperienced climbers when they fail to keep themselves.Steve Bell,also a guide who has recently led a team to Mt.Qomolangma,believes that they are safer than others,because the guide can ask a 11 climber to turn back at any 12 if he feels that 13 is danger to the team.Whether these expeditions (远征) are safe or not,many climbers feel that they have turned Mt.Qomolangma into a business,like a park for the very rich.One 14,however,will always remain:it doesnt matter how much money you have,if you make a mistake on Mt.Qomolangma,the possible result will be 15.1.A.everyB.eachC.one D.all解析:not all.表示部分否定。答案:D2.A.results B.factC.problem D.danger解析:knows the danger (of conquering the mountain)。答案:D3.A.unknown B.unimportantC.unlucky D.unpleasant解析:根据上下文可知,这两位登山者是“不幸的”。答案:C4.A.camp B.landC.river D.mountain解析:这句话的意思是“Fischer在一场横扫珠峰的可怕暴风雪中失踪”。答案:D5.A.try B.manageC.succeed D.do their best解析:manage to do sth.意为“设法做成某事”。try to do sth.意为“设法做某事(但不强调成功)”;try ones best to do sth.意为“尽力做某事”;而succeed in doing sth.则表示“成功地做某事”。答案:B6.A.other B.nextC.another D.second解析:这句话的意思是“新西兰人Rob Hall也是一个经验丰富的登山者和向导,他在接近山顶时失踪。”another在此意为“再一,又一”。答案:C7.A.sudden B.wrongC.strange D.special解析:这句话的意思是“在到达珠峰顶部过程中有很多可能出问题的环节:天气情况的突然变化或者出现转向错误”。答案:A8.A.have paid B.are being paidC.had been paid for D.have been paid for解析:根据上下文此处应用pay for.的现在完成时的被动结构。这句话的意思是“如果预先付款,才会派飞机去营救”。答案:D9.A.Experienced B.UnhealthyC.Powerful D.Wealthy解析:能付得起六万四千美元或更多来达到目的的登山者当然是“富有的”。答案:D10.A.look after B.deal withC.find out D.do good to解析:向导有“照顾”他们的毫无经验的登山者的责任。答案:A11.A.shy B.weakC.strong D.brave解析:weak在此意为“(身体)弱的”。答案:B12.A.where B.wayC.path D.point解析:point在此意为“(空间的)一点,地点”。答案:D13.A.guide B.climberC.someone D.mountain解析:这句话的意思是“如果在任何地方向导觉得一个身体虚弱的登山者是对登山队的威胁,他可以要求那人打道回府”。答案:B14.A.word B.truthC.thought D.sentence解析:truth在此意为“真实,实际情况”。答案:B15.A.sorrow B.defeatC.death D.regret解析:这句话的意思是“然而,有一个事实将永远存在:你有多少钱无关紧要,如果你在珠峰上出了差错,可能的结果将会是死亡”。答案:C第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。It isnt unusual in the modern society to move from the country to the city.More and more people,especially the young and well educated,decide to live in large cities rather than in small towns 16 villages.The main factor that influences their decision is 17 unemployment problem which is very serious in the country.The city offers many chances to young people.First of all,they can attend the best universities and use the best 18 (learn) resources which will allow 19 to develop their knowledge and skills.Good educational background 20 (increase) a persons chances of finding a wellpaid job in good companies.People 21 want to be successful find that in the city there are more chances to gain the better experience and to realize their dreams.Besides,22 attracts outsiders are the limitless sources of entertainment that cities provide.Young people can go to the cafes,pubs,clubs or discos or take part in various 23 (culture) events,like concerts,art exhibitions or plays in the theatre.Moreover,they can enjoy sh
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