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单元加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练.完形填空It was a dark day, one of depression, sorrow and anger. As I climbed out of the _1_, after witnessing my time in the 100 yard freestyle, I did not feel like speaking to anyone. I saw the bright smiles of swimmers who had just _2_ a best time. _3_, I had failed. Or at least that is what I thought at the time.I was lying on my cool bed when an idea _4_ my head. Success is the _5_ to go from failure to failure without _6_ your enthusiasm. At practice the next day, I told my swimming teammates about my goal time and they all either laughed or replied with a _7_ similar response like, “You cant do it” or “Probably not”. Believe it or not, these are the responses that made my goal _8_.Finally came the day when I had to _9_ to myself and others that with _10_ there is no limit to your achievements.With the starting gun _11_, I dove with perfect form into the pool. I felt the cool water running _12_ my back. I swam like a fish, bouncing off each _13_ at the wall as if it was a spring board. On the _14_ turn, I came back to the wall with every piece of strength I had. I _15_ the final wall with my fingertips and knew that I had swum the _16_ race.I had done it! I had achieved my best time! Joy filled my _17_ like water does a cup. I saw the _18_ on all of my friends faces as I _19_ out of the pool: their jaws dropped to the ground. I began to laugh and gave them thumbs up.I have _20_ in life that having belief in yourself opens all gates. Never forget that anything the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.语篇解读:作者的队友认为作者不会成功,但通过自己的努力,作者最终证明了自己的实力,因为作者相信:自信是开启成功大门的钥匙。只要想到就没有做不了的事。1A.pondBseaCpool Dbed解析:选C根据下文“as I _19_ out of the pool”可知作者应该是爬出游泳池。2A.made BachievedCreached Drealized解析:选B我看见达到最好时间的游泳者脸上的微笑,achieve“达到”,符合语境。3A.Otherwise BHoweverCBesides DIn addition解析:选B根据上文看见的是胜利者脸上的微笑,下文是转折,作者失败了,故选B项。4A.occurred BbrokeCstuck Dhit解析:选D一个想法突然出现在我的脑海里。an idea hit sb.是习惯用法。5A.opportunity BactionCcause Dability解析:选D成功就是在多次失败中不失去热情的能力。ability“能力”,符合语境。6A.keeping BlosingCreducing Ddecreasing解析:选B根据对成功的理解和上下文的理解,losing符合语境。7A.somehow BsomewhatCanyhow Danywhere解析:选B他们有着相似的回答:“你不行”或“不可能”。somehow“不知怎么地”; somewhat“有点”; anyhow“无论如何”; anywhere“任何地方”。根据下文的意思B项符合语境。8A.magical BreasonableCconfident Dachievable解析:选D信不信由你,正是这些回答使我达到了我的目标。achievable“可达到的”,符合语境。9A.promise BprovideCpresent Dprove解析:选D向自己和他人证明的那一天终于来了。prove“证明”,符合语境。10A.consideration BimpressionCbelief Ddesire解析:选C带着信念,没有什么能限制你的成功。belief“信念”,符合语境。11A.setting out Bgoing offCbreaking out Dgetting off解析:选B随着发令枪发射。go off“发射”,符合语境。12A.through BaboveCacross Dto解析:选C我感到凉水从我的背上流过。across“横穿”,指从表面穿过。13A.turn BjumpCstruggle Dshoot解析:选A在转弯的泳池墙上弹出去,就好像是踏到弹簧板一样。turn“转弯”。根据游泳转弯常识和情境理解。14A.next BpreviousCvery Dlast解析:选D在最后的转弯处,我拼尽全力游回到泳池墙边。last“最后的”,符合语境。15A.pushed BreachedCgot Dtouched解析:选D我用我的指尖触摸终点墙。touch“触摸”,符合语境。16A.whole BperfectCfirst Dbest解析:选B根据前面的描述应该是作者的表现完美无缺。17A.heart BheadCmind Dface解析:选A根据后半句选择heart,意为:心里充满欢乐。18A.expressions BemotionsCfeelings Dresponses解析:选A我看到所有朋友脸上的表情。expression“表情”,符合语境。19A.ran BclimbedCstood Djumped解析:选B当我爬出泳池时,climb“爬”,符合语境。第1空前的“climbed out of”也是提示。20A.gained BdreamedClearned Dremembered解析:选C作者通过这件事所知道的道理。learn“了解;知道”,符合语境。.阅读理解Listening to music is considered a good thing for adults. Indeed it is. Scientific studies have proven it. Music has so many good effects on our body, mind and mood that this world will certainly not be a good place without music. Then, is music good for children? Some parents think so and let their children learn or listen to music. But some parents dont know the importance of music to children. Here are some reasons why music is important to children.First, music is good for childrens intelligence. Studies have proved that children who learn music are likely to have higher intelligence than those who have no interest in or dislike music. This is because the brain gets stimulated (刺激) by the rhythm and tone of music.Music also has soothing (抚慰的) effect on children and helps remove their stress. Todays children are under a lot of stress from schoolwork. Being under too much stress impairs childrens health. Luckily, listening to music can help them feel better.Music can improve childrens moods. Some children are sad by nature. They seem to be lost in their own thoughts and dont take interest in their surroundings. In such cases, a method known as “music therapy” comes to their rescue. It changes their moods and places a new kind of spirit in them.Music is also a universal language that children ought to learn. Our world has become a global village. People are getting more and more interested in other cultures and countries. Music can help them in under
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