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辽宁省普通高中学业水平考试模拟试题高二英语(本试卷分第I卷和第II卷,考试试卷90分钟,满分100分)第I卷(选择题 满分60分)第一部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A Are you a music lover? If your answer is yes, you might be interested in the following music services. Apple Music Apple Music has more than 30 million songs and is available in over 100 countries. Search for Holiday Music to find playlists. Then tell voice assistant Sin to play holiday music to open the music program on your iPhone, iPod or Apple TV. The app will provide holiday playlists and stations. You can also listen to Apple Music on your computer through the iTunes store or on Apple TV. Apple Music is free for the first three months. After that, users must pay a subscription fee. Google Play Music Google Play Music is also in the holiday spirit. Go to the Google Play Music Holiday page or app and search for Holiday Music. Google Play Music is available for free if you dont mind the advertisements. If you do, buy a paid subscription to avoid them. Google Play Music offers more than 30 million songs in 58 countries. The service is available on your computer, and through apps on your Android phone and iPhone. Live365 Live365 is an internet radio service available on your computer or mobile device. The service has 158 Christmas music stations, such as Contemporary Christmas, Christmas Breezes and Classical Christmas. Live365 is free and available around the world. Searching for Holiday Music lets you listen to more stations without advertisements. Spotify Spotify, another online service, is filled with holiday music. Listen to playlists on Spotify by searching for Holiday Music. The playlists include Merry Christmas. The Best Holiday Music, Pure Christmas Music and Pure Holiday Music.1. What do the music services have in common?A. They are free of charge. B. They have endless songs.C. Holiday Music can be searched for. D. They have music stations.2. Which music service has a voice assistant?A. Google Play Music. B. Live365. C. Spotify. D. Apple Music.3. Which of the following is a music station?A. Merry Christmas. B. The Best Holiday Music.C. Classical Christmas. D. Pure Christmas Music.4. What do we know about Apple Music?A. It doesnt have music stations. B. Its available all over the world.C. It charges subscription fees after the first three months. D. It has 30 million songs.5. According to the passage, Google Play Music_.A. is favored by young people. B. can always be used for freeC. has the largest number of songs D. doesnt allow any advertisementBHave you ever been on a bus when someone answered a telephone loudly? Have you ever been in a taxi when the driver always makes noises with the horn? You probably answer “Yes”, but have you ever tried to stop for a moment and listen to the silence? Probably not. Silence is a thing to which we pay little attention.Today many of us are too busy to appreciate the small things in life, including silence. With the development of economy(经济), we are surrounded (环绕) by noise and sometimes we cant realize how noise influences us, but it really changes how we talk and listen to each other. Because we are so used to noise, we forget to be thankful when there finally is no noise. Even when there is no noise we want to talk to fill up the silence. It seems funny that we are afraid of these moments when there is no talking, and we call for the awkward(尴尬的) noise because we feel uncomfortable. But in fact silence can be better than noise, and we need to appreciate it.Some of my friends asked why I didnt talk very much. In fact I like talking, but I dont like pushing away silence by talking because I appreciate the beauty of silence. I believe in what one of my friends ever said, “ Do not talk unless you can improve upon silence.” So next time when you are on a bus or in a taxi, remember to appreciate the silence you come across later in some day.6. According to Paragraph 1, we pay little attention to _.A. a telephone B. a taxi C. silence D. noise7. What does the underlined word “horn” mean in Paragraph 1? A. 立体声 B. 小号 C.扩音器 D.喇叭8. Why do we forget to be thankful when there finally is no noise? A. Because we are surrounded by noise. B. Because we are so used to noise. C. Because we want to fill up the silence. D. Because we feel uncomfortable.9. Whats the writers attitude towards silence and noise in Paragraph 2? A. Silence can be better tan noise. B. Silence can be enjoyed at any time. C. Noise can not influence peoples life. D. Noise can bring us a lot of happiness.10. The writer doesnt like pushing away silence by talking because_. A. he is on a bus or
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