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动感英语电影词典俚语第146集Movie dictionary电影词典最后一个莫西干人 The Last of the Mohicans 根据作家库珀的小说改编,由丹尼尔.路易斯主演的“最后一个莫西干人”以18世纪法国与美洲印第安的矛盾为主线。这部片子大家可以了解到美国的历史。Amercian slang 美国俚语come on , Quasis, snap out of it .(片中)snap out of it 改变,变好例:I wish she would just snap out of it and get over her ex-bf. 我希望她能够改变她的想法,重新振作,忘掉她的前男友。 Ben has been acting so strangely since seeing that film, I wish he would just snap out of it and be himself again. 自从Ben看过那部电影他就变得很怪,我真希望他能变回他自己。Classic film clips 经典对白(1)seize the cathedual (片中)seize sth 抓住,控制例:Seize the day because you never know what tomorrow will be like. 珍惜今天,因为你永远不知道明天将会怎样。 He managed to seize the assets of the company before it went bankrupt. 在公司倒闭前,他要控制公司的财政。(2)ransack our city (片中)ransack 洗劫一空例:Dont out of dating with him. He was so messy that his home always looked as though it had been ransacked. 他的家总是那么的乱,好像刚刚被洗劫一空似的。 The rebel troops completely ransacked all the towns and villages in their path on . 这个部队在他们打劫的路上将所有的城市和村庄洗劫一空。Movie Tunes 原声碟Less Than Jake I tell you somebody fooling around with my chances on the danger line.赏析:“不如杰克”,歌词大意是“我要告诉你,有人和我玩耍,我不需要过正常人的生活,我喜欢惊险刺激.”
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