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考前阅读、完型与写作之语法填空专项训练语法填空专练一 A jobless man applied for the position of “office boy” at a big firm.The HR manager 1 (interview) him, then a test: clean the floor. “You are hired,” he said, “give me your email address, 2 Ill send you the application to fill.”The man replied “I dont have a computer, 3 an email”.“Im sorry,” said the HR manager,” that means you do not exist. And 4 doesnt exist cannot have the job.” The man left 5 no hope at all. He didnt know what to do, with only $10 in his pocker.He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10KG tomato crate. He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours, he 6 (success) in doubling his capital. He repeated the operation 3 times, and returned home with $60.5 years later, the man is one of the 7 (big) food retailers in the US. He started to plan his familys future, and decided to have a life insurance.He called 8 insurance broker, and chose a protection plan. When the conversation was concluded, the broker asked him email. The man replied,” I dont have an email”. The broker replied 9 (curious), “You dont have an email, and yet have established an empire! Do you imagine 10 you could have beenif you had an email?The man thought for a while, and replied:”An office boy!”语法填空专练二Many of us were raised with the saying Waste not, want not.” None of us, 1 , can completely avoid waste in our lives. Any kind of waste is thoughtless. Whether we waste our potential talents, our own time, our limited natural 2 ,our money, or other peoples time, each of us can become more aware and careful. The smallest good habits can make a big 3 .Its a good feeling to know in our hearts we are doing our 4 in a world that is in serious trouble. By focusing on 5 oil, water, paper, food, and clothing, we are playing a part 6 cutting down on waste. We must keep reminding 7 that it is easier to get into something 8 it is to get out of it. Actually, severe damage 9 to our land is fairly recent in the history of our evolution. Its time for us to 10 no to waste so that our grandchildrens children will be able to develop well. We cant solve all the problems of waste, but we can encourage mindfulness.Waste not!语法填空专练三There was once a boy who had a temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he 1 hammer a nail into the back of the fence.The first day the boy 2 (drive)37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered 3 (gradual) decreased. He discovered _4_ was easier to hold his temper than to drive nails into the fence. Finally the day came _5_ he didnt lose his temper. He told his father and his father suggested that the boy now_6_ (pull) out one nail for each day so that he was able to hold his anger. The days passed and the boy told his father that all the nails were gone.The father took the boy _7_ the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “Look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger; they leave a scar (疤痕) just like the_8_ on the fence. It wont matter how many times you say I am sorry, _9_ wound is still there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are very rare. They make you smile and encourage you _10_ (success). They lend an ear, and always want to open their hearts to us.”语法填空专练四阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jonny: Hey! Im just practicing Tai Chi(太极). Would you like to join me?Peter: I know nothing about it. Is it difficult?Jonny: It seems easy, but you need a lot of practice. You just follow me like this.Peter: OK. Dont laugh 1 me. I may look funny.Jonny: Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches, naturally and 2 (soft). Try to keep your body straight. Move slowly, then be sure to keep your balance and dont let your body shake.Peter: I cannot control my body well. My legs become 3 (pain).Jonny: Keep 4 (hold)your position for a while. It helps develop your strength and flexibility. Raise your leg and let 5 stay in the air for seconds.Peter: I feel my legs shaking. I cannot do this any longer.Jonny: Be patient! Tai Chi 6 (call) “shadow boxing” in English. It asks you to act like water: to be flexible as well 7 strong. In real competition, a Tai Chi master borrows the strength of the competitor and uses this energy to fight back. The 8 (hard) you try to beat him, the more likely you will get hit. He controls you!Peter: Unbelievable! Oh, 9 you dont mind, Ill stop and take a deep 10 .语法填空专练五An old man who lived in a small street in the city of Mumbai had to put up _1_ the nuisance (烦心事) of having boys play cricket outside his house at night. One eveni
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