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高中语法非谓语动词一、非谓语动词种类在英语中,不作句子谓语,而具有除谓语外其他语法功能的动词,叫做非谓语动词。非谓语动词有动词不定式(the Infinitive);动名词(the Gerund);现在分词(the Present Participle);过去分词(the Past Participle)。二、分类:(1)不定式的形式:主 动被 动一般式to writeto be written进行式to be writing/完成式to have writtento have been written否定式not + (to) do1)一般式:不定式的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生或发生在谓语动词动作之后,例如:Im glad to meet you.He seems to know a lot.We plan to pay a visit.He wants to be an artist.The patient asked to be operated on at once.The teacher ordered the work to be done.2)进行式:不定式的进行式所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生,例如:The boy pretended to be working hard.He seems to be reading in his room.3)完成式:不定式的完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前,例如:I regretted to have told a lie.I happened to have seen the film.He is pleased to have met his friend.(2)动名词的形式: 语 态 式主动语态被动语态一般式doingbeing done完成式having donehaving been done否定式not + 动名词1)一般式:Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。2)被动式:He came to the party without being invited. 他未被邀请就来到了晚会。3)完成式:We remembered having seen the film. 我们记得看过这部电影。4)完成被动式:He forgot having been taken to Guangzhou when he was five years old. 他忘记五岁时曾被带到广州去过。5)否定式:not + 动名词I regret not following his advice. 我后悔没听他的劝告。6)复合结构:物主代词(或名词所有格)+ 动名词He suggested our trying it once again. 他建议我们再试一次。His not knowing English troubled him a lot. 他不懂英语给他带来许多麻烦。(3)现在分词的形式:现在及 物 动 词 write不及物动词go分词主动语态被动语态主动语态一般式writingbeing writtengoing完成式having written having been writtenhaving gone否定式not + 现在分词1)现在分词的主动语态:现在分词主动语态的一般式表示与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,完成式表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生,常作状语。例如:They went to the park, singing and talking. 他们边唱边说向公园走去。Having done his homework, he played basket-ball. 做完作业,他开始打兰球。2)现在分词的被动语态:一般式表示与谓语动词同时发生的被动的动作,完成式表示发生在谓语动词之前的被动的动作。The problem being discussed is very important. 正在被讨论的问题很重要。Having been told many times, the naughty boy made the same mistake. 被告诉了好几遍,这个淘气的孩子又犯了同一个错误。(一)做主语:做主语可用不定式和动名词(1)非谓语做主语句型结构图A. (Not )To do-B. (Not )Doing- +谓语+其他(2)例句:1.To finish the work in ten minutes is very hard.2.To lose your heart means failure.动词不定式短语作主语时,常用形式主语it作形式主语:It is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes.It means failure to lose your heart.3. Reading aloud is very helpful. 朗读是很有好处的。4. Collecting stamps is interesting. 集邮很有趣。当动名词短语作主语时常用it作形式主语。Its no use quarrelling. 争吵是没用的。(二)做表语:做主语可用不定式,动名词,现在分词和过去分词(1)非谓语做表语句型结构图A. to do-B. wh to do-C. doing(表示主语所处的状态,主动或进行)D. done(表示主语所处的状态,被动或完成) 主语+is+(2)例句:1. He appears to have caught a cold.(动名词)2. In the ant city, the queens job is laying eggs.(现在分词) 在蚂蚁王国,蚁后的工作是产卵。3. The film being shown in the cinema is exciting. (现在分词)正在这家上演的电影很棒。4. The present situation is inspiring. (现在分词)当前的形势鼓舞人心。 be + doing既可能表示现在进行时,也可能是现在分词做表语,它们的区别在于be + doing表示进行的动作是进行时,而表示特征时是系动词be与现在分词构成系表结构。5. The were frightened at the sad sight. 他们对眼前悲惨的景象感到很害怕。注意be + 过去分词,如果表示状态是系表结构,如果表示被动的动作是被动语态。区别:6. The window is broken.(系表)7. The window was broken by the boy.(被动)有些过去分词是不及物动词构成的,不表示被动,只表示完成。如:boiled water(开水)fallen leaves(落叶)newly arrived goods(新到的货)the risen sun(升起的太阳)the changed world(变了的世界)这类过去分词有:gone, come, fallen, risen, changed, arrived, returned, passed等。(三)做宾语:做宾语可用不定式和动名词(1)非谓语做宾语句型结构图A. to do (谓语:want/hope/wish/offer/fail/plan/learn/pretend/refuse/manage/help-) B. doing(谓语:deny/endure/escape/resist/suggest/enjoy/finish/avoid/excuse/ - )主语+谓语+(2)常与不定式做宾语连用的动词有:want, hope, wish, offer, fail, plan, learn, pretend, refuse, manage, help, agree, promise, prefer, 如果不定式(宾语)后面有宾语补足语,则用it作形式宾语,真正的宾语(不定式)后置,放在宾语补足语后面,例如:1. Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia.动词不定式前有时可与疑问词连用,如:2. He gave us some advice on how to learn English. (3)常与动名词做宾语连用的动词及短语有: deny, endure, escape, resist, suggest,enjoy, finish, avoid(避免), excuse ,delay, imagine, keep, miss, consider, admit(承认),deny(否认), mind, permit, forbid, practise, risk(冒险), appreciate(感激), be busy, be worth, feel like, cant stand, cant help, think of, dream of, be fond of, prevent(from),keep from,stop(from),protectfrom,set about, be engaged in, spend(in), succeed in, be used to, object to, insist on, feel like,get down to; pay attention to; look forward to; stick to; turn to; be used to (doing sth); prefer to; devote oneself to; see to.5. They havent finished building the dam. 他们还没有建好大坝。6. We have to prevent the air from being polluted. 我们必须阻止空气被污染。(四)做宾语补足语:做宾语可用不定式,现在分词和过去分词(1)非谓语做宾补句型结构图A. to do(谓语:want/wish/ask/tell/order/beg/permit/help/advise,)B. do(谓语:see/watch/hear/feel/find/get/keep/notice/observe/have/let/make-)C. doing(谓语:see/watch/hear/feel/find/get/keep/notice/observe-)D. done(谓语:see/watch/hear/feel/find/get/keep/notice/observe-) 主语+谓语+sb(2) 动词不定式可充当宾语
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