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高二英语同步辅导Unit1 Making a difference二本单元语法复习动词不定式结构。知识总结与归纳:(一)本单元阅读材料内的含不定式结构的句子的总结:1. It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious.2. Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.3. One day, your doctor tells you that you have an incurable disease and may not have more than twelve months to live.4. Readers were pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand.5. Scientists, on the other hand, Hawking writes, know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be wrong.6. People who listen to Hawkings lectures sometimes find it difficult to understand him, because his thoughts and ideas often seem as large as the universe he is trying to describe.7. At that time, the church said that the earth was the center of the universe and Galileo was not allowed to publish or discuss his observations.8. Perhaps the most important thing if we want to make a difference is to find something that we like to do and that we are good at.(二)总结:动词不定式结构在句中可以充当除了谓语以外的主语,表语,宾语,名词后面的定语,目的状语,以及宾语后面的补足语。对于这些内容,重点掌握一些动词不定式常用的句型结构。1. 不定式结构做主语,宾语时,it做形式主语或形式宾语的句型:如上面第:1,6,8句Its +形容词/名词+ to do sth.find/make/think/feel it +形容词/名词 to do sth.Its usual for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs .Both Galileo and Zhang Heng found it difficult to make people believe that their theories were correct.2. 不定式结构做名词的定语:have something to do / there be something to do:如上面第3句。Do you have anything to declare ?Jack is the person for me to turn to in difficult times.They gave us a week to think the problem over.Plants need room to spread their roots to get water and to spread their leaves to get sunlight.Lets find a more comfortable house to live in.There are a lot of TV sets to choose from.There is nothing to worry about.3. 不定式结构做动词宾语:后面跟to do 做宾语的常见动词有:afford; agree; decide; demand; expect; fail; forget; hate; hope; learn; manage; mean; need; offer; plan; prepare; pretend; promise; refuse; regret; remember; seem; want; threaten; wish 等,以及一些动词短语如:would like to do; would prefer to rather than do; would rather do than do; We cant afford to lose such an important member of the staff.She flatly refused to have anything to do with the plan.4. 不定式结构做动词宾语的补足语(宾补):在英语中有很多这样的动词结构:动词+宾语+宾语补语。“宾语补语”补充说明宾语“做了什么”;“正在做什么”;“去做什么”;或者“被”。其中表达“宾语部分”去做某事,可以用do, to do,形式做宾语的补足语。即动词不定式做宾语补语。动词+宾语+to do sth. 在这种结构中常见的动词有:advise, allow, ask, cause, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, order, persuade, remind, require, teach, tell, want, warn等。有时候谓语动词和宾语可以变成被动形式,作为宾补的to do短语不变。如单元中例句7Mr. White persuaded Tom not to smoke any more.This kind of medicine easily causes people to sleep.Please remind him to take medicine on time.The teacher encouraged his students to express what they thought freely.They were warned not to cross the old bridge.Residents are not allowed to keep pets in our apartment building.He is considered to be one of the leading statesmen of our country.注意:make, let, have, see, hear, 等动词宾语后面的宾语补语应该接动词原形。(do形式),而在这些动词(let除外)的被动形式里,还应该用to do短语做宾语的补足语例句:He saw a thief rush out of a shop carrying a bag full of money.My boss made me redo my report because he wasnt satisfied with it.The boy was made to wash the windows before he could go outside to play.(三)不定式(to do)的时态和被动式:to do结构根据所表达的意义也有不同的时态和被动式表达。1. 一般式:要去做:to do 2. 正在做:to be doing 3. 已经做了:to have done 4. 被:to be done 5. 已经被 to have been done 等Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.The book is said to have been translated into many foreign languages.He pretended to be working hard when the boss came in.If you dont understand something the examiner says, simply ask for it to be repeated.说明:对于不定式的时态和被动式用法则在掌握不定式句型的前提下要根据具体句子的语境来使用。(四)学习建议:1. 认真对待单元内的阅读材料(包括workbook中的阅读材料),不要只把他们当成学习某些语言点的来源。通过这些阅读材料可以掌握新词汇,锻炼阅读能力,扩展知识面(用英语)。例如在READING: NO BOUNDARIES中的第6段可以了解科学家进行科学研究的过程。而INTEGRATING SKILLS 中的MAKING A DIFFERENCE,通过阅读可以了解作者的写作思路,学习一些写作结构(文章的布局)。同时对两篇材料中许多语句,语段加以背诵,积累是可以成为今后我们写作文的素材。2. 除了背诵warming-up中那些著名科学家的名言之外,可以积累阅读材料中的某些句子:如:(1)Imagine this:(2)Instead of giving up, Hawking went on with his research, got his PhD and married Jane.(3)If knowledge is power, as Sir Francis Bacon wrote in 1597, then perhaps creativity can be described as the ability to use that power.(4)We must believe in what we do, even other do not.(5)Perhaps the most important thing if we want to make a difference is to find something that we like to do and that we are good atEveryone has his or her special skills and interests, and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.3. 阅读指导:以阅读材料MAKING A DIFFERENCE为例,注意论述性的文章的基本结构是作者首先提出论点然后举例加以说明。所以文章的首尾段,每一段的首句都表达的文章的主题。同时注意这些主题句中的连词(转折连词but等)往往是最重要的内容。例如第一段第一句:It is not necessary to be a great scientist to make a difference, b
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